G. During turkey season, members will be allowed to sign into multiple adjoining units at a time if available. Copies of the calendars are also available at the Business Office, Clubhouse and Pro Shop or at www.eaglesmerecc.com. Members are responsible for the conduct of their guests and all guest charges shall be billed to the Member’s account. Further, a Seasonal Member shall be limited in his/her use of the Clubhouse and its amenities during the Club’s “In Season” to three occasions—once each in June, July and August but otherwise excluding holidays, such as the July 4th Picnic. D. All members will be required to be in compliance with the club by having all paperwork completed. D. Associate Members that meet the requirements above, can then hunt a different zone as their parent or legal guardian, but must be in radio, cellular or verbal communication with their parent or legal guardian. 3. Members will be notified in advance of each workday. Treasurer - will be responsible for the budgets, business plan, finances, purchasing needed items for the club, and making payments of club expenses. Golfers may use mobile devices for golf applications and for texting, provided these actions are not disruptive to others on the course. The Golf Professional may limit starting times for unaccompanied guests in order to accommodate members and their accompanied guests. The Rules Department deals with the preparation and assists with the registration of rules with the Financial Conduct Authority (“FCA”) and the printing of the same. 3. The Club may amend these Rules and Regulations from time to time as it determines appropriate in its sole discretion. M. No deer hunting on any road that receives regular vehicular traffic on our properties from a stand or other position shooting directly down the road. 1. Associate Members are not allowed to harvest or shoot bears. There will be restrictions as to age limit and what can be harvested. B. The primary purpose of the Club Rules is to ensure a premier club experience. H. Failure to pay your dues at the appropriate times. Rules, Regulations, By Laws, and House Guest Policy Go Back to Members Home Page Every good country club holds a certain set of standards through rules, regulations, and bylaws. There will be a limit of two Guests on the property to hunt at any given time, unless they are there as part of an organized event, or approved by the Vice President. A. H. Members are encouraged to communicate with other members, concerning hunting in adjacent hunt units, for safety purposes. Since the Clubhouse is Wi-Fi friendly, we ask that you use the rotunda, grill room, balcony and porches for Wi-Fi use. Members must sign in, in person. B. Any Associate Members or Guests (Hunting or Non-Hunting) must be signed in and out by the member under the member’s name. When shot-gun starts are designated, players must adhere to starting times and must be assigned a starting hole by the Golf Shop. A member will complete the workdays with no exceptions, excluding a physical limitation, per membership year. Unlimited use of the fitness center may be purchased for $100. 3) No member of United Sports and Social Club, Inc. shall use the 1. During work days club members will work to get all boundaries posted. Golf Cart Rules: Golf cart operation is limited to persons 16 years of age or older. No person shall be entitled to use the Clubhouse, Dining Room, Beverage Service or Tennis Courts as a guest, in any one calendar year: To discuss important or unusual issues, that cannot wait until the annual meeting. L. All members will live by the decisions and changes made by the Board. All members and JPM's, regardless of full or partial membership status, are required to attend a minimum of four (4) 8 hr workdays. The board or member will make a proposal. Golf carts are available at the Golf Shop at published rates. (Proposals should be written and presented to avoid confusion). • Club facilities, operating times, equipment Please deposit trash in appropriate receptacles to keep our Course beautiful. Members and their accompanied guests shall have preference over unaccompanied guests in the choice of starting times. A. This Club, its property and facilities, shall be for and used by the members, their families (life partner and children living in the home under 21 and unmarried) and non-resident guest, for so long as guest privileges are not abused. F. Members are limited to one unit/stand area per day during deer season unless the member is moving to a unit that is not being used. CONSTITUTION, RULES and REGULATIONS of THE WANDERERS CLUB a It is recorded that The Wanderers Club (hereinafter referred to as “the Club”) and The Wanderers Golf Club entered into an agreement dated 23rd August 2004 in terms of which, inter alia, it was agreed that certain terms and conditions of the said Asking for forgiveness instead of permission is neither accepted nor tolerated. Continued violations may result in suspension or revocation of membership with loss of all fees paid. 1. C. Board members will serve a term of 2 years. Since we are a Chartered AMA Club; we must follow and enforce all rules and regulations stablished by the Academy of Model Aeronautics. To uphold these expectations, members and guests are encouraged to act in a manner consistent with good taste. The Board of Managers of the Club reserves the right to amend or modify these rules as it deems appropriate from time to time and will notify the Membership of any change. Based on the size of the board, a simple majority greater than 50 % is all that will be required to be considered a quorum at a meeting. Pro Shop: 570.525.3460 3. This is per our lease and does not necessarily follow state and county law. RULES AND REGULATIONS. If a youth is just tagging along, then the member will draw as usual and have no preference. Smoking is not permitted in the Clubhouse including the porch. The monthly calendars will detail the upcoming athletic and social events. No one else is allowed to sign in or out any member who is not present. * Hats must be worn facing forward. ATV's may be used like a vehicle, in the manner of driving out to and parked in a designated parking area. The Board of Directors will be made up of a minimum of 4 Directors as follows: 1. All workdays, must be completed by September 1st unless prior arrangements have been approved with the Grounds Keeper. The club members, at an Annual Business Meeting, will elect the Board of Directors based on their willingness and ability to handle the open position(s). Members with a youth will have first choice. C. Additional hunting days will be granted for each work day attended on a ratio of 1:1. Before you agree to become a member of this club, please take the time to read and understand this document. G. All members will have the right to petition the Board on disciplinary actions through the office of the Vice President. If a birthday falls within the hunting season, the associate member will fall into the new category and abide by that set of rules. To qualify for a Limited Membership, the applicant must be the lessee of a house in Sullivan County, or staying as a guest at the home of a member, or staying as a guest of an Inn in Eagles Mere. C. JPM Associate Members that meet the requirements above, can then hunt a different zone as their parent or legal guardian, but must be in radio, cellular or verbal communication with their parent or legal guardian until the age of 18. C. The hunting grounds (woods and fields), club area, and parking areas will be required to be maintained clean and all trash must be removed. The hilly terrain is especially dangerous under wet conditions. Please refer to monthly calendars for dining and bar schedules and special events during the spring, winter and fall. 2. Remove all trash, cartridges and spent shells from your hunting areas. 3. If a Golf Shop staff member is not present, a player should leave their bag on the Bag Rack and a staff member will retrieve the bag and bring it to the Golf Shop. 12.5 The Club shall recover all losses in full incurred due to damage caused by the Applicant/Member or their dependants/guests to the Club’s property, furniture, fittings and equipment etc. Trailers, campers, mobile home or tents are not permitted on Club Property including the parking lot. Leasing land and maintaining a hunt club is a long-term capital commitment. Set a small fine for late books, to be put in a communal fund for snacks or similar expenses. B. The President will not pay any annual dues, in appreciation for their contributions of running the club. Looking around the globe at various 1% clubs and all of the famous (and infamous) clubs we all know of, you will see any number of basic, and more complicated rules depending on the club. Q. The Club’s Tennis/Pickleball Courts are for the exclusive use of members and their guests. 5. A Junior Full Member shall pay an initiation fee of $1,000. X. ****************************************************** Associate Members under the age of 18 will require parental or legal guardian supervision. 1. This should not be confused with active and inactive seasons as defined by USGA rulings. I. All members are expected to abide by their provisions. Staked or white wrapped trees that interfere with a swing allow a free drop with no penalty according to USGA rules. A. VI. III. Read More, 1:00 pm c. Guests are limited to harvesting 1 antler-less deer during the deer season. All members must pay dues and deposits at the time in which they are due, NO EXCEPTIONS! Golf carts must be driven on paths where indicated. Then the guest will be allowed to hunt another hunt unit/zone. • Personal information including a photo will be used to validate access. VillaSport may amend the Club Rules from time to time. 6. 3. H. Anyone hunting with a high powered rifle must be in an elevated position. E. All guests must be of 18 years of age to sign the Liability Release Form. The Board of Directors reserves the rights to work with the member(s), based on contributions and extenuating circumstances, and waive fees or disciplinary action if a workday is missed. ATV's may be used during the hunt season to retrieve big game from remote areas. Practice good woodsman ship at all times. F. All disciplinary action that is cause for revocation of membership will be presented to the member in a written form. The Secretary must record the Motion and outcome of the vote in the minutes. 5. Associate Members (Age 19+) (Meeting the Associate Member Requirements). Clubhouse, Dining Room, Beverage Service and Tennis Courts Guests: For specifics please contact the Business Office. The Club is committed to providing members and their guests with an enjoyable club experience. Rules and regulations, 2020. Tank or halter tops are not permitted. An additional fee of $200.00 shall be required for those Seasonal Members who also wish to utilize the Fitness Center. The Business shall pay a single initiation fee and each sponsored employee member shall pay the annual dues at the Voting Member rate and shall be subject to the annual dining minimum. Per Dan’s email to Steve Ryan In October 2020 Member who are expelled will forfeit their dues, deposit and all rights as members. All meetings will follow Roberts Rules of Order. D. No more than two Board members can come off the Board in one year, unless circumstances are beyond the control of the board. There are no restrictions on barrel length or caliber. Children 6 or older, accompanied by an adult member playing golf, are permitted on golf carts as a rider only. (Should this child later decide to become a Junior Member, $100 of each annual fee that has been paid will be credited toward their initiation fee). L. No parking in front of any feed troughs or any gates. C. JPM Members will be required to have a valid NC hunters education course or equivalent course from a different state, D. JPM Members will be required to have a valid NC Hunting License if they are 16 years of age or above. Alcoholic Beverages Read More, 10:30 am The ROA Hunt Club will have a Board, made up of Directors, as described in Article 2. IV. F. All dues are required on or before March 1st. Buffets, a la carte, casual dining, and special event menus are featured throughout the year. In particular The Kennel Club Board reserves the right to impose an additional endorsement ‘not eligible for entry in any event held under The Kennel Club Rules and Regulations, nor any unlicensed event recognised by The Kennel Club… H. Hunters may hunt another members stand or blind, provided they have properly signed out that hunt unit. For a member to be considered for the position of the President, they will need to be an active member of the board and have served at least one term. AMA Regulations. rate 4 times in a calendar year. Club members may petition the Board anytime on issues related to club business. a. EMCC active season begins the first Saturday in April and ends the last Sunday in October. Club Rules and Regulations 1. Associate members are considered members in good standing with the R.O.A Hunt club but have no voting rights. Please take care to learn what is and is not harmful to the trees before causing damage. While at the Club Sign-in area, safe operation of firearms must be followed at all times. E. Membership will run from March 1st through February 28th of the next year or February 29th of a leap year. Any player using a golf cart should respect the Golf Course and use the designated cart paths as much as possible. Glencoe Golf Club Rules and Regulations. If that is not possible, all grievances will be brought before the Broad for intervention and resolution. This is a courtesy to fellow diners and our staff. F. Associate Members must follow rules set forth by the R.O.A Hunt Club. B. Deer limitations – Follows the NC Regulations. In the case of a tie in voting, the President will cast the tie-breaking vote. CLASS I PREFERRED VOTING MEMBERSHIP 8. Rules for Court use are available at the Golf Shop. Distance to the club property must be greater than 2 hour's drive, one way, or 100 miles to the member personal residence. When a Golf Professional Staff member is present, a player’s bag will be collected and taken to the Golf Shop for staging. Please contact the Clubhouse Manager for availability. Please inquire in the Business Office for more detailed information. Safety when placing Stand and blind is essential. To uphold these standards, members and guests are expected to act in a manner consistent with good taste. (JPM to include College or University (Undergrad only)). Golf Professional 525-3475 ext.1 J. All dues and fees must be paid by April 1. In these cases an ATV may be used to transport a hunter to a stand location. Members are encouraged to place Stands, Blinds, Feeders and Cams in the woods, to hunt. CLUB RULES AND REGULATIONS GENERAL Rover Motorcycle Club is a Sports Club constituted for the benefit of its members. The current Club Rules are posted on the Club website. Those players are to report upon completion of the round. ATV's may not be used to transport hunters to locations during the hunting season. G. The Board of Directors will be the governing body of the ROA Hunt Club. Rules and Regulations The Eagles Mere Country Club is a private club operated for the enjoyment of its members and guests. 2. It is each player’s responsibility to adhere to signup deadlines, which are necessary to conduct tournaments professionally. A. Weekend Gold Miners Prospecting Club Inc. Board of Directors. 2. B. JMP members will need to submit a picture for a club ID which they must always carry on them while on the property hunting or scouting. The elevated position is a minimum of 8 feet of the ground, at your feet. E. Disregard of the rules may cause the loss of hunting privileges for a time or season or immediate expulsion from the club. IX. The dining minimum will apply to food and non-alcoholic beverage purchases in the Clubhouse and the Halfway House. -Members shall abide by the Rules and Regulations set out and stated by the Proprietor and Management of the Club. The ROA Hunt Club will hold an Annual Business Meeting once a year. Players wishing to utilize blue flags must request these privileges to the Golf Committee Chair each year in writing. All charge fees must be billed to a member account. • more than 7 days between the day after the Labor Day Weekend All members are encouraged try to log in and out on the FB Club page as an added safety benefit. * Soft spikes are mandatory. These Rules and Regulations are adopted by the Owner (as such term is defined in the Capital Club Bylaws) in accordance with the Club’s Bylaws. 1. These events include the Stroke Play Championships, the Match Play Championships, the Senior Championships, the W.O. The registered name of the Club shall be kept painted or affixed on the outside of the Club premises, in a conspicuous position inletters easily legible, and shall be mentioned in legible characters on all business letters, notices, advertisements and other official publications of the Club. P. In time all club boundaries will be clearly posted. The Clubhouse offers all the amenities associated with a private country club and facilities are restricted to members and their guests. Board members will have a single vote per person, regardless of the amount of positions held. RULES AND REGULATIONS . L. If you hunt on or near a travel road, expect vehicle traffic at any time. H. Once a Guest has been on the property they cannot be a guest of another member. Read More, Eagles Mere Country Club Annual dues are set by the Club, as a corporate, and are: Age: 19 to 24 - 225.00 or ½ the cost of a regular membership. By-Laws Each member will be provided a membership listing, with appropriate contact information. Ignorance of the rules is not a feasible excuse for breaking the rules. Dues and Fees The stone wall on #2 hole is OB. The Golf Shop may help to arrange tee groups if needed; however, the Golf. The tie-breaking vote club sponsored and may be used in the workdays with no EXCEPTIONS disruptive to others on bulletin... Individual or family may apply to member guest tournaments President ’ s.... 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