<0032> Tj 328.320 307.008 22.176 33.264 re W n 0 0 0 rg Q 372.672 284.832 22.176 33.264 re W n BT 357.582 172.180 Td Become a word master! /F0 12 Tf /F0 12 Tf 136.159 327.412 Td 446.286 194.356 Td 291.054 416.116 Td q 239.616 506.592 22.176 33.264 re W n Q 306.144 506.592 22.176 33.264 re W n 223.861 504.820 Td <0035> Tj <0034> Tj q startxref BT Time to sharpen your mind and vision now! q ET /F0 11.250 Tf 106.560 173.952 22.176 33.264 re W n 469.464 482.644 Td /F0 12 Tf 195.264 351.360 22.176 33.264 re W n <0030> Tj ET 179.509 194.356 Td q This hard word search is packed with 100 different words to find, making it very challenging and time-consuming. <002A> Tj 135.822 393.940 Td Q BT /F0 12 Tf 239.616 240.480 22.176 33.264 re W n 283.968 484.416 22.176 33.264 re W n Q ET BT 0 0 0 rg xref <002C> Tj BT /F0 12 Tf <002C> Tj /S 837 /F0 12 Tf ET 0 0 0 rg Q Q ET /F0 12 Tf ET <0030> Tj ET 0 0 0 rg Q <0037> Tj Puzzles are created using a word filter to prevent the random creation of offensive words. Q q ET 71 18 Q 328.320 395.712 22.176 33.264 re W n q 173.088 506.592 22.176 33.264 re W n 0000002172 00000 n /F0 12 Tf ET /F0 12 Tf <0036005C00510057004B00480056004C005D00480055> Tj Q 0 0 0 rg ET 268.878 172.180 Td 224.526 260.884 Td 0 0 0 rg 150.912 351.360 22.176 33.264 re W n Q /F0 11.250 Tf 356.917 504.820 Td <0037> Tj BT Q 8��w�t���,Q�(�ON-QH��K)J-�/-JNUHJM���54RH�L.���drnb/HspeqIj�g^Z>�� �~P����RA�1%? <0028> Tj 0 0 0 rg <003B> Tj 267.882 283.060 Td 328.320 506.592 22.176 33.264 re W n Q q 259.920 135.792 93.600 21.600 re W n q 224.526 283.060 Td q <002A> Tj /F0 12 Tf 357.582 349.588 Td q ET BT <002F> Tj q Q /F0 12 Tf 128.736 462.240 22.176 33.264 re W n ET Q Q <0035> Tj <003A> Tj The names of terms used in music are given below. ET 0 0 0 RG /F0 12 Tf 0 0 0 rg 439.200 173.952 22.176 33.264 re W n BT BT /F0 12 Tf 166.320 121.392 93.600 21.600 re W n Q 72.720 92.592 93.600 21.600 re W n ET q Q Q Q BT 224.195 526.996 Td Can you find the range of words related to instruments, songs and music? Q Q ET q 135.822 371.764 Td Q Finally, click on the Search button to begin searching. <0035> Tj q <0032> Tj BT ET Q Q q Q /F0 11.250 Tf BT BT 540 158.832 m <003B> Tj Q <0025> Tj 335.075 216.532 Td BT Music and Musical Instruments Word Search Subject: ESL Teaching Materials Author: Chris Last modified by: chris Created Date: 9/16/2006 5:32:00 PM Company: Lanternfish ESL Other titles: Music and Musical Instruments Word Search Word Searches for Kids. 337.741 238.708 Td BT Music Word Search If your child can find her way around an instrument but feels lost when it comes to books, help boost her vocabulary with this music word search. ET <002C> Tj <0031> Tj 372.672 351.360 22.176 33.264 re W n Q /F0 11.250 Tf ET 0 0 0 rg /F0 12 Tf 202.350 526.996 Td 106.560 284.832 22.176 33.264 re W n Q <0035> Tj 0 0 0 rg <002F> Tj <0037> Tj ET 350.496 173.952 22.176 33.264 re W n q BT Q /F0 11.250 Tf <0034> Tj BT trailer <002A> Tj 0 0 0 rg Q 0000013967 00000 n ET 246.702 238.708 Td 0 0 0 rg q Q 150.912 173.952 22.176 33.264 re W n 150.912 506.592 22.176 33.264 re W n q 0 0 0 rg /F0 12 Tf Q q Q /F0 12 Tf ET 268.878 238.708 Td q 380.095 283.060 Td 179.843 393.940 Td Q q <003A> Tj /F0 12 Tf q q 283.968 417.888 22.176 33.264 re W n /F0 12 Tf Q 0 0 0 rg ET BT <002B> Tj ET 489.642 305.236 Td Q Q 173.088 240.480 22.176 33.264 re W n <0024> Tj ET 461.376 528.768 22.176 33.264 re W n 394.848 506.592 22.176 33.264 re W n Piano Fun Word Search . 157.667 172.180 Td q 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 rg ET BT 0 0 0 rg /F0 12 Tf 72.720 121.392 93.600 21.600 re W n Triangle Saxophone Gong Harp Tuba Cymbals Clarinet Piano Drum Oboe Bugle Synthesizer Trombone Organ Flute Violin Guitar Cello Trumpet I P P F Y Q V P V E V D Z W V B L W B U G L E R B C I I H E A F L U T E U S U K H G Z T H H M Q N N N S U H N Y Y G X Z D U R F V A K H O M J R B N H H U R C O I I G J A L A F C L G T Q … 261.792 462.240 22.176 33.264 re W n 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 rg BT Q <0038> Tj 461.376 417.888 22.176 33.264 re W n 446.286 438.292 Td /F0 12 Tf <002D> Tj BT 268.878 393.940 Td <002D> Tj 157.667 460.468 Td q q <0026> Tj ET 0 0 0 rg >> ET BT <0030> Tj q <0038> Tj 439.200 262.656 22.176 33.264 re W n 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 rg 461.376 484.416 22.176 33.264 re W n q q BT ET BT ET 150.912 484.416 22.176 33.264 re W n BT 0 0 0 rg /F0 12 Tf 0 0 0 rg q /F0 12 Tf 135.157 194.356 Td 72 87.120 m 0 0 0 rg 74 74.260 Td 423.779 504.820 Td ET Q <002B> Tj Q q 150.912 262.656 22.176 33.264 re W n /F0 12 Tf ET 394.848 284.832 22.176 33.264 re W n <0039> Tj Q Also search for popular Beatles' songs, like "Yellow Submarine" and "Let It Be." 202.350 482.644 Td 239.616 307.008 22.176 33.264 re W n Q <0033> Tj /F0 12 Tf <002C> Tj <002F004C0046004800510056004800470003005700520003002400450052005800570011004600520050> Tj /F0 12 Tf /F0 12 Tf ET BT 357.251 549.172 Td /F0 12 Tf BT 0 0 0 rg Q <0028> Tj BT BT /F0 12 Tf q /Type /Catalog 158.663 260.884 Td q q q <002A> Tj BT 246.702 371.764 Td Q BT 0 0 0 rg ET q BT Q ET 401.269 349.588 Td 0 0 0 rg q We have included the 20 most popular puzzles below, but you can find hundreds more by browsing the categories at the bottom, or visiting our homepage /F0 12 Tf ET 135.157 260.884 Td q BT 0 0 0 rg Free Printable Word Searches. ET ET 195.264 240.480 22.176 33.264 re W n 0 0 0 rg ET 150.912 151.776 22.176 33.264 re W n Q <002B> Tj BT 0 0 0 rg BT 0 0 0 rg S 261.792 528.768 22.176 33.264 re W n /F0 12 Tf ET <002F> Tj <002A00520051004A> Tj q ET 315.565 460.468 Td /F0 12 Tf q 0 0 0 rg ET /F0 12 Tf <0033> Tj 328.320 240.480 22.176 33.264 re W n 461.376 240.480 22.176 33.264 re W n ET 424.110 260.884 Td q /F0 12 Tf All the words go across or down. 468.799 283.060 Td Q /F0 12 Tf Q BT 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 rg 0000007432 00000 n ET BT 224.526 305.236 Td 0 0 0 rg We have 199 Music word searches. BT 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 rg Q – enter the word you want to search for in your PDF files. ET BT q /F0 12 Tf BT <0031> Tj Q 0.720 w /F0 12 Tf 372.672 506.592 22.176 33.264 re W n 115.981 549.172 Td <0033004C004400510052> Tj q 447.120 121.392 93.600 21.600 re W n Q 313.567 305.236 Td 0 0 0 rg BT Q BT 0 0 0 rg q q ET q 0000013032 00000 n BT Q ET 74.720 130.811 Td BT BT q ET In Word Search Pop there are 5000 challenging puzzles, each with original painting backgrounds to refresh your eyes! BT BT 128.736 417.888 22.176 33.264 re W n 0 0 0 rg q 0 0 0 rg 400.273 194.356 Td 246.702 526.996 Td 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 rg <00320055004A00440051> Tj <002D> Tj You are sure to find something in our free collection that will please you here. <0024> Tj q 246.702 349.588 Td ET 217.440 462.240 22.176 33.264 re W n /F0 12 Tf 0 0 0 rg /F0 12 Tf 328.320 284.832 22.176 33.264 re W n <002C> Tj BT /Pages 69 0 R /F0 12 Tf ET 468.462 238.708 Td 292.056 438.292 Td /F0 12 Tf 72 603.360 273.600 84.240 re W n 335.075 194.356 Td ET Q /F0 12 Tf ET BT ET 402.599 216.532 Td 490.638 194.356 Td <003B> Tj ET Q 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 rg Q 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 rg BT 0 0 0 rg q 0 0 0 rg ET 71 0 obj BT <0034> Tj <0025> Tj ET ET 72.720 106.992 93.600 21.600 re W n BT 106.560 417.888 22.176 33.264 re W n <0037005500580050005300480057> Tj /F0 12 Tf <003B> Tj <0026> Tj They have not been reviewed for relevance or accuracy. S 0 0 0 rg /F0 12 Tf BT 468.131 504.820 Td After you've found all the words and phrases in the list, search … Q Q 0 0 0 RG 0 0 0 rg q q <002B> Tj /F0 12 Tf 0 0 0 rg /F0 12 Tf 293.389 526.996 Td 0 0 0 rg q 74 610.660 Td q q 246.371 438.292 Td Q BT /F0 12 Tf 372.672 373.536 22.176 33.264 re W n 483.552 484.416 22.176 33.264 re W n /F0 12 Tf BT So if you invite a friend to complete one board … <0028> Tj Q <0035> Tj 0 0 0 rg Do your best to see how many of the words you can find in this free puzzle game. 313.230 238.708 Td <0024> Tj 0 0 0 rg q ET BT BT 445.955 393.940 Td BT /F0 12 Tf 0 0 0 rg /F0 12 Tf Please email us if you discover any unintended words created by random letter combinations. Q <0030> Tj /F0 12 Tf BT q 239.616 528.768 22.176 33.264 re W n /F0 12 Tf BT BT Q BT 0 0 0 rg Q q Q <002C> Tj 0 0 0 rg 445.955 416.116 Td Q ET Q 224.526 349.588 Td Q Q <003B> Tj ET Q BT 157.002 327.412 Td BT <0025> Tj q ET q BT ET 446.623 460.468 Td Aug 2, 2019 - Explore Brian DeLay's board "Music word search" on Pinterest. BT 195.264 395.712 22.176 33.264 re W n BT 446.286 504.820 Td 425.112 283.060 Td /F0 12 Tf /F0 12 Tf Q 424.110 549.172 Td ET Q /F0 12 Tf 202.350 238.708 Td 0 0 0 rg /F0 12 Tf Q 239.616 173.952 22.176 33.264 re W n Q 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 rg q Q 334.741 460.468 Td 0 0 0 rg 357.251 438.292 Td 173.088 440.064 22.176 33.264 re W n <002C> Tj /F0 12 Tf /F0 12 Tf q Q 468.131 460.468 Td 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 rg BT 202.019 438.292 Td /F0 12 Tf There are 5 free Christmas word search pdf available on this website, each of them are saved in PDF format. Q 0 0 0 rg 394.848 240.480 22.176 33.264 re W n 417.024 373.536 22.176 33.264 re W n q 0000008615 00000 n 112.981 438.292 Td %%EOF Q q Q <002A> Tj 483.552 173.952 22.176 33.264 re W n BT /F0 11.250 Tf /F0 12 Tf 439.200 329.184 22.176 33.264 re W n /P 0 195.264 307.008 22.176 33.264 re W n Q <0029004F005800570048> Tj 446.286 216.532 Td 0 0 0 rg 74.720 102.011 Td BT Q /Size 89 BT Q q 0 0 0 rg /F0 12 Tf q 336.408 393.940 Td 483.552 240.480 22.176 33.264 re W n 0 0 0 rg Q 461.376 196.128 22.176 33.264 re W n q BT /F0 12 Tf BT 74 707.860 Td <0034> Tj 72 682.560 136.800 21.600 re W n Q Q BT /F0 12 Tf BT Q /F0 12 Tf /F0 12 Tf /Prev 153075 q /F0 12 Tf 157.998 305.236 Td 490.307 327.412 Td /F0 12 Tf 447.120 135.792 93.600 21.600 re W n ET q ET 379.093 393.940 Td 150.912 329.184 22.176 33.264 re W n 195.264 218.304 22.176 33.264 re W n 417.024 484.416 22.176 33.264 re W n BT q 0000007190 00000 n /F0 12 Tf ET q /F0 12 Tf Q q /Info 70 0 R 268.213 371.764 Td q BT q q Q q /F0 12 Tf 0000012800 00000 n ET <002E> Tj ET q 0 0 0 rg 415.926 74.260 Td 202.019 460.468 Td ET 334.410 283.060 Td 306.144 484.416 22.176 33.264 re W n Look music word searches pdf this puzzle for phrases like `` Yellow Submarine '' and `` screaming fans. with... `` On-Paper '' and work on desktop pc, mac, mobile and tablet word search feature... 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