Dabei entstand in den USA der Hustle, in Europa der Discofox, der 1979 in das Welttanzprogramm aufgenommen wurde. The title sequence, created by Berger & Wyse,[75] was nominated for a Royal Television Society Award (2005), a BAFTA (2006) and an Emmy (2007). I kept thinking, 'Oh my God! Juni 2007 in Großbritannien ausgestrahlt und erreichte im Durchschnitt 5,54 Millionen Zuschauer. a small smile), or to give an explanation to viewers about certain aspects they are doing or the situation they are in. Trotz Gerüchten, dass Lester vor allem aufgrund der Verlagerung des Produktionsfokus aus der Serie ausgestiegen sei, erklärten sowohl die BBC als auch der Schauspieler, dass andere Dinge, wie der Wunsch, etwas Neues zu probieren, der Grund für den Ausstieg gewesen seien.[45]. [22], Although the programme typically contains few non-trivial stunts or dramatic special effects, the first episode includes an example of Ash Morgan's favourite con, known as "The Flop": having previously received a fractured skull in a bar brawl, Morgan deliberately steps in front of moving cars and exaggerates the accident. The series once again consisted of 6 episodes. Februar 2011 zeigte die BBC in Erstausstrahlung die siebte Staffel. [11], With Hustle greenlit for filming, the production team began searching for actors to play both the main characters and the marks for each episode. [53] Alle Hauptdarsteller der fünften und sechsten Staffel wirkten dabei erneut an der Produktion mit. [17] Murray erklärte hingegen, dass sich die Szene, in der Danny gegen sie im Strip-Poker verliert und schließlich komplett nackt auftritt, für sie am schwierigsten darstellte, da sie sich im Gegensatz zu ihrer Filmrolle in dieser Situation nur schlecht zusammenreißen konnte. Any time now someone is going to tap me on the shoulder and ask me to get my coat! Such a plot device is balanced out with a series of scenes that helped to explain about what happened, in the form of events that occurred "behind-the-scenes" of the con. To strive headstrong and voraciously towards a goal. […]The wonderfully absurd result is a drama series that takes itself far less seriously than almost anything since The Persuaders. A smarter solution. Die Zuschauer bekommen so das Gefühl, dass der durchgeführte Betrug wirklich verdient ist und es keinen Falschen trifft. Aber wen kümmert's?“, Im Juni 2006 erwarb 20th Century Fox die Filmrechte an Hustle. "[13] Speaking in 2009 after filming four series of the show, Lester explained that "when we start shooting Hustle we film two episodes concurrently, with the scenes out of sequence. "It was the toughest scene for me of the entire six months we spent filming the series... Stacie is supposed to be calm, cool and collected... she looks down, checks him out and casually and suavely makes a comment. [14] Die Hauptdarsteller erhielten dabei zunächst ein Training im Taschendiebstahl, Kartentricks und weiterer Elemente, die in der Serie eine wichtige Rolle spielten. To seek out and acquire sums of money, preferably large sums, often by unscrupulous means. The BBC confirmed Adrian Lester's departure in September 2006, elevating Marc Warren's character to the lead role and casting Ashley Walters as a new member of the group. Series Six started 4 January 2010. [6] Außerdem erklärte Featherstone, stark vom zur damaligen Zeit angelaufenen Kinofilm Ocean’s Eleven beeinflusst worden zu sein, allerdings auch von anderen Filmen und Büchern. [3][4] Daraufhin verpflichtete Featherstone Tony Jordan, den Drehbuchautor der Soap EastEnders[5] um die Serie fernsehtauglich umzusetzen.[6]. The first four series have been released in Region 1 (North America), but BBC Video has yet to issue further series to DVD in that part of the world. The show premiered on 24 February 2004, and ran for eight series, with its final episode aired on 17 February 2012. In Großbritannien wurde die zweite Staffel ab dem 29, März 2005 ausgestrahlt[30] und erreichte bereits mit der ersten Episode erneut 6,7 Millionen Zuschauer. [11][16], Die ersten Episoden von Hustle wurden zwischen August und Dezember 2003 in London gedreht. Februar 2012 ausgestrahlt. [54] Die dritte Folge dieser Staffel trägt zwar mit Casino einen deutschen Folgentitel, der mit dem der sechsten Folge aus der vierten Staffel identisch ist. [43] Durch die Geldmittel von AMC war es zudem möglich erstmals Episoden außerhalb Londons zu filmen. Lernen Sie die Übersetzung für 'hustle' in LEOs Englisch ⇔ Deutsch Wörterbuch. Die erste Staffel von Hustle erzielte zum Großteil positive Reaktionen bei Zuschauern und Kritikern. [step it up a notch] Februar 2006 als Ableger die Dokumentarreihe The Real Hustle aus[36], in der drei reale „Hustler“ ihre Tricks an nichtsahnenden Passanten demonstrieren. To move or act energetically and rapidly: We hustled to get dinner ready on time. Gratis Vokabeltrainer, Verbtabellen, Aussprachefunktion. [24] Später wurde Hustle auch in Indien und Südamerika erworben. Entstehung. [45] Als neuer Hauptdarsteller stieß Ashley Walters zum Team. abschleppen [ugs.] Hustle is the trusted leader in peer-to-peer text messaging, powering authentic conversations at scale with the highest levels of security, compliance, analytics, and support. The series resumed production in the summer of 2008; in addition, the title sequence that had been used in the last four series was changed with a new animation sequence and a much more electronic and contemporary version of the theme tune.[3]. Welcome to the world of Hustle (Discofox) Rund um Discofox / Disco-Fox / Hustle / Rockfox / Carrée: Tanzen, Kurse, Workshops, Übungsabende, Veranstaltungen & Turniere deutschland- und weltweit! The series has also been shown in other countries such as New Zealand, Australia (both on ABC1 and Foxtel's UKTV), Germany on RTL Crime, Japan, Sweden on SVT, Italy on La7 and Finland on MTV3. The process was initially quite difficult; Crawford described his "immediate thought [as] 'this is so good, how the hell are we going to get a cast to live up to these characters?' Dortmund; Gelsenkirchen Jaime Murray and Marc Warren returned to their roles as Stacie Monroe and Danny Blue, respectively, for the final episode. [62] This was the second series to be filmed in Birmingham, the fourth in HD and the third series featuring all of the current cast. In den USA wurde die neue Staffel mit einigen Monaten Verspätung gesendet. The back of the revised case also contains the words "Each episode approx. [2] Although episodes feature stand-alone stories and are not referenced in later episodes, some series have featured sub-plots that occur during its broadcast, or make reference to events that occurred in previous episodes. [10], Jordans Drehbuch sah zudem vier weitere „Grifter“ (zu deutsch etwa „Abzocker“) mit einer großen Bandbreite aus Alter, Erfahrung und Erscheinungsbild vor. Die vierte Staffel wurde schließlich vom 3. Die zweite Episode, in der Danny und Mickey nackt über den Trafalgar Square laufen, erreichte eine durchschnittliche Quote von 6 Million Zuschauern. The first episode of the series of Hustle was broadcast on BBC One on 24 February 2004,[5] driven by a strong advertising campaign organised by Abbott Mead Vickers,[24] surrounding its slogan, "The Con is On", the same name as that of the initial episode's title. [23] Glenister balked at doing the entire stunt himself, saying "I got a stunt man who did all the smashing against the windscreen stunts but I did everything else... We all like doing the stunts involving driving fast because it's boy's-own stuff but when it comes to the dangerous stunts I'm quite happy to leave it to someone else!"[23]. Das Fernsehprogramm für den Sender ONE bei TV Movie. Januar – 17. Produziert wird die Serie von demselben Team, das bereits die ersten Folgen der erfolgreichen und vom Konzept ähnlichen BBC-Serie Im Visier des MI5 (Originaltitel Spooks) entwickelt hatte, welche erstmals im Jahr 2002 ausgestrahlt wurde. [work quickly] sich ins Zeug legen [ugs.] [54] Despite the increased funding AMC provided, which allowed the writers to set episodes in Las Vegas and Los Angeles,[55] the series was quickly mired in casting concerns. Vom 7. Home; Essen; Duisburg; Bochum; Mehr Städte. [55] Sie wurde vom 13. [9] Nachdem ihm die Rolle angeboten wurde, stieg Vaughn bereits am folgenden Tag in die Dreharbeiten ein. [sl.] No such features were produced for the final two series. [be prostitute] auf den Strich gehen [ugs.] [citation needed] The first notable quality is that each episode's plot tends to have an element of mystery surrounding it, usually in the form of misleading story elements – what viewers may believe to be happening within the episode, will eventually turn out to be not the full story. It's now repeated on the Sony Crime Channel. See more. [26] Nahezu das komplette Produktionsteam als auch die Hauptdarsteller wurden übernommen, die Dreharbeiten fanden im Sommer 2004 erneut in und um London statt. In one such example, the first half of the third series features a sub-plot in that the team manage to pull off some long cons despite nearly suffering misfortune, which they later resolve after one of the characters determines what was causing them to suffer such bad luck. [11] Als Teamleiter Mickey Bricks wählte die Gruppe Adrian Lester aus, der zur selben Zeit im Heinrich V. am Royal National Theatre spielte. Zudem ist die Serie im frei empfangbaren Fernsehprogramm in unregelmäßigen Abständen in ONE zu sehen. [76] The title music, composed by Simon Rogers was also nominated for the Outstanding Original Main Title Theme Music Emmy in 2007. Nimmt er sie wieder zurück, wenn er wieder lügen kann? Typically, the BBC would air the episode in the UK and then 6 to 9 months later they would air in the US on AMC. [60] Lolita Chakrabarti (Lester's real-life wife) made a guest star appearance as Museum Curator Nishika Baboor in this series' third episode, "Tiger Troubles". [5] In creating the first episodes, Jordan drew inspiration from the long tradition of confidence tricks and heists in Hollywood and television, including The A-Team, The Sting and The Grifters (and in a similar vein, the films and TV series of Mission Impossible). [2] Although conmen, the team display a moral, honourable code within their team, which include sometimes helping others who have been victims of their mark, often with anonymous financial compensation to them, and never stealing anything that doesn't belong to them, instead borrowing them for the con and then returning them afterwards. Hierzu wurde in Las Vegas und Los Angeles gedreht,[44] Im April kamen erste Gerüchte auf, nach denen Adrian Lester aus der Serie aussteigen sollte, was schließlich im September desselben Jahres durch die BBC bestätigt wurde. Once they have a plan, the team set up a scenario, employ a "convincer" to rope in their mark, and then hit them with the sting in which they take them for a sizeable amount of cash, within the tens of thousands, before conducting a "blow-off" to ensure the mark will not come after them, either because they won't if they have to admit to conducting something illegal, or because the team have convinced them it will be impossible to do so. Hustle is a British television crime drama series starring Adrian Lester, Robert Glenister and Robert Vaughn. With Robert Glenister, Robert Vaughn, Rob Jarvis, Adrian Lester. The second episode, featuring Danny and Mickey running naked through Trafalgar Square,[51] attracted a viewing audience of 6 million. [57] Guest stars in the series included Richard Arnold as himself, Frances Barber as Clarissa, Mark Holden as Bouncer, Rob Jarvis as Eddie, Vinette Robinson, Malcolm Sinclair, and Elizabeth Tan as Lu Choi. Directed by Chris Addison. [Redewendung] to hustle [Am.] An example of this is that the viewers could be led to believe that a con has gone wrong towards the end and that the team have failed, only to witness that the mark has still been conned of money by them. Created by Tony Jordan, it was produced by Kudos Film and Television, and broadcast on BBC One in the United Kingdom. [16] Murray, described by one of the Hustle production team as "that rare specimen – a stunningly beautiful actress who can actually act",[18] and who auditioned in platform shoes to match her 5 ft 7in height with Stacie's description as having "legs that go on for miles",[19] was reportedly "terrified" to be working with the more famous actors Vaughn and Lester, saying "when we were filming the first couple of episodes I was absolutely petrified and was convinced that it would be really obvious on screen. For the American TV series, see, Title card from series 5 to series 8 (2009-2012), "Hustle – interview with Jaime Murray (Stacie Monroe)", "Man from UNCLE to save Auntie's new season", "Adrian Lester and Marc Warren star in Hustle", "Why it's harder to act in Hustle than to play Henry V", "Drama woos new customer for BBC Worldwide in Italy", "BBC courts controversy with Al-Qaida drama", "Hallmark's 'con' with innovation continues", "BBC ONE re-commissions hit drama Hustle for a second series", "If you're rich, greedy and a taker then beware... the Hustle team are back", "Fans from 70s keep Doctor's appointment", "BBC Worldwide Americas secures US broadcaster for Hustle", "BBC science and drama shifts down under", "So Solid Ashley Walters joins the best Hustlers in the UK... and the US", "Network TV BBC Week 1: Monday 4 January 2010", "News – Top Stories – TV drama Hustle begins filming in Birmingham city centre", "The con will be back on in 2010: hit BBC drama Hustle recommissioned for sixth series", "Press Office – Network TV Programme Information BBC Week 1 New this week", "Sheila Hancock, Martin Kemp to guest in 'Hustle, "Adrian Lester returns for new series of hit con drama Hustle", "Studio to Bring BBC's 'Hustle' to the Big Screen", "Hustle's exec producer talks series six", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Hustle_(TV_series)&oldid=997769213, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles with unsourced statements from September 2020, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 2 January 2021, at 03:56. [20] Das Programm war auf Anhieb ein Erfolg und wurde im Durchschnitt von 6,7 Millionen Zuschauern verfolgt. [39] The BBC described the move as "Securing the right platform... essential for a series to succeed in the competitive US market...". [7]”, „Ocean’s Eleven war zwar allgegenwärtig, als Bharat und Ich das erste Mal gesprochen haben, und ich denke es inspirierte uns, aber eigentlich entnahmen wir unsere Ideen einem breiten Katalog aus Filmen und Büchern…wir wollten etwas machen, das die Energie, den Elan, den Stil und den hohen Unterhaltungswert dieser Sorte Film hat.“. Created by Tony Jordan. “Ocean's Eleven was on around the time Bharat and I first spoke, and I think it helped to inspire us, but really we took our inspiration from a whole catalogue of movies and books… we wanted to make something that had the energy, verve, style and pure entertainment value of those sorts of films. Januar bis zum 18. In Kung Fu Hustle träumt Regisseur … Nachdem der Beginn der Dreharbeiten offiziell bestätigt war, begannen die Produzenten mit dem Casting der Hauptdarsteller sowie der Opfer in den jeweiligen Episoden. [3], In June 2006, 20th Century Fox acquired the film rights to Hustle;[69] a film adaptation of the programme is currently being written by creator Tony Jordan, who has written several drafts but is still developing the script. [58] All of the fifth series cast returned with production that moved to Birmingham,[59] despite the show retaining its London setting. Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 19. Willkommen in der Domain des Discofox (Hustle) Wettbewerbe, Turniere, Workshops und Tanzabende für Disco-Fox & Hustle - das Original seit 1998. In response to the extremely positive reaction, the BBC recommissioned the show for a second series on 17 March 2004, after just three episodes had aired. The wonderfully absurd result is a drama series that takes itself far less seriously than almost anything since The Persuaders". [57]”, „eine vorbildliche, gut gespielte, bissig umgesetzte Serie, […] schnittig bearbeitet, schmeichelhaft beleuchtet und elegant ausgeführt. [14][20], With the cast and crew in place, filming for the first Hustle series took place in London between August and November 2003. Hustle definition, to proceed or work rapidly or energetically: to hustle about putting a house in order. Virgin Media TV bought the rights to broadcast Hustle on its flagship channel Virgin 1. Straightforward features and functionality take the stress out of managing conversations. von mimistar. Creator Tony Jordan said that it would be the last series for at least a while;[1] later, the BBC announced that there would not be a series 9. hetzen to hustle sb. [27] Als Gastschauspieler traten Lee Ingleby, Fay Ripley,[28] und Robert Llewellyn. [25] The programme was an immediate success, attracting over 6.7 million viewers,[26][27] and attracting favourable reviews (see below). [1] The show's premise is on a group of con artists who specialise in "long cons" – extended forms of deceptive frauds that require greater commitment, but offer higher rewards than simple confidence tricks. A revised edition was released some time afterwards. […] Will you remember a single moment of it five minutes after you’ve watched an episode? The second other notable quality is the use of stylish fantasy scenes in a number of episodes, in which the characters perform actions that are out of context and sometimes unrealistic, but is used to help with conveying an episode's plot to viewers or what a character is thinking about in regards to a certain situation. to hustle (sb.) (verb) 1. [6][13] Lester erklärte, dass er sich zunächst nicht hatte vorstellen können, einen einzigen Charakter für mehrere Jahre zu spielen, allerdings durch das Zusammenspiel des Teams in Hustle bald eines besseren belehrt worden sei. [63] Other cons see the team take on the world of slimming pills and pull off a gold heist. This was the third series to be filmed in Birmingham, the fifth in HD and the fourth series featuring all of the current cast. Following much media speculation, including reports of the programme being cancelled[66] and a motion picture spin-off,[67] the BBC announced on 12 June 2008 that Hustle had been recommissioned for a fifth series with series 1–3 star, Adrian Lester returning to the show alongside Robert Glenister and Robert Vaughn. Februar 2009. Probably not. Hustle is a British television crime drama series starring Adrian Lester, Robert Glenister and Robert Vaughn. In the very first rehearsal we were doing a dance routine and then the next thing I know I'm whacking out several different accents and I just thought, 'I'm in heaven, this is great! [12] Robert Vaughn, the Academy Award-nominated star of The Man from U.N.C.L.E., was soon suggested as a natural choice to play Albert Stroller, the elderly 'roper' responsible for ensnaring potential marks. Hergestellt wurden acht Staffeln mit je sechs Einzelepisoden, die letzte Folge der finalen achten Staffel wurde am 17. [47] Aufgrund von Terminüberschneidungen konnten Marc Warren und Jaime Murray nicht mehr gewonnen werden und wurden daraufhin durch Matt Di Angelo und Kelly Adams ersetzt.[48]. [42], Durch den Rückhalt von AMC wurde eine vierte Staffel von Hustle garantiert, in welcher die amerikanische Anstalt jedoch im Gegensatz zu den Vorgängern eine führende Rolle übernahm. [33], The programme retained all of the lead actors from the first series; guest actors appearing in the second run included Lee Ingleby, Fay Ripley,[34] and Robert Llewellyn. [27][32] The second series retained much of the initial production team including Jordan as lead scriptwriter, and introduced Karen Wilson as producer. […] Werden Sie sich fünf Minuten nach dem Anschauen einer Episode an einen einzigen Moment erinnern? [21] Zudem erhielt die Serie zunächst überwiegend positive Kritiken. The Australian (Region 4) releases of series 1 to 4 use NTSC format[72] despite PAL being the format used in that region, and being the original production format of the series. Series two has also aired in the MENA region on Dubai One, an English language channel. "[74] The first three episodes attracted an average audience of 6.2 million, peaking at over 30% of the total audience.[32]. In some episodes, the main characters break the fourth wall to either give a subtle, discreet physical tell to alert the viewers of what they are up to (i.e. I'm working with Adrian Lester and Robert Vaughn. [7] The Times bemerkte, Hustle sei eine Serie mit, “the snap and style of a series that has been cryogenically frozen in the 1960s and brought back to life, like Austin Powers. [17] The cast found the experience informative; Murray explained, "I realised that most cons are all about diversion – while you're trying to con somebody you're doing something to distract them in the opposite direction so they don't notice and that's exactly how pickpockets work". : +49 1789134859 / Antwort innerhalb von 24 Stunden Lieferung innerhalb von 4-6 Tagen. [21] Murray, by contrast, claimed that the hardest scene to film was from the fourth episode, when Danny loses spectacularly to Stacie in strip poker and ends up entirely naked. With Anne Hathaway, Rebel Wilson, Alex Sharp, Tim Blake Nelson. [16] The lead actors were given professional instruction in sleight-of-hand and pick-pocketing; "all the tricks of the trade from card-shuffling to stealing watches", according to Lester. Vaughn erklärte, dass er bereits einen Tag nach der Zusage zu den Dreharbeiten erscheinen sollte. [56] The BBC was quick to dispel any suggestion that Lester's resignation was connected to the shift in production focus, stating "it is a shame that, due to his current filming commitments, Adrian cannot join us this time round...",[56] while Lester explained his action as "need[ing] to do something else, be associated with something else". One such example of this can be for the scene to suddenly be stopped in mid-action, and the main characters being able to freely move around and interact with each other, and possibly anything else within the frozen scene. Although having numerous credits in film and on the stage, Lester was an unknown face in television, having had less than two hours' broadcast screen time prior to the first Hustle series. Series 4 marked a departure from the usual airing of the series. [59] Im Februar 2009 erklärte Produzent Simon Crawford Collins, dass der Film von einem großen US-Studio gedreht werden soll. 2. Der Discofox (in den 60er Jahren als „Beat-Fox“ bekannt) ging aus dem Foxtrott hervor, als Mitte der 70er Jahre frei improvisierende Discotänzer zur Tanzhaltung zurückkehrten und den klassischen Foxtrott um Elemente aus Swing, Boogie-Woogie und Two-Step bereicherten. Geschichte Freundschaft, Liebesgeschichte / P16 Slash 21.10.2016 21.10.2016 1. Mai bis 7. Die Erstausstrahlung in Deutschland erfolgte seit 2007 jeweils auf dem Pay-TV-Spartenkanal RTL Crime. The show premiered on 24 February 2004, and ran for eight series, with its final episode aired on 17 February 2012. The UK, Region 2, release of Series One erroneously contained the US edited versions of the episodes, and not the full uncut episodes as originally seen on BBC One. [15], Einige Darsteller beschrieben Zeitplan und Dreharbeiten von Hustle als ausgesprochen hektisch. [12] Trotz zahlreicher Film- und Fernsehauftritte war Lester zu diesem Zeitpunkt ein eher unbekanntes Gesicht, das vor der ersten Episode von Hustle lediglich rund zwei Stunden Bildschirmzeit zu verbuchen hatte. Die Episoden haben üblicherweise überraschende Wendungen, die am Ende durch detailliertere als die bisher gezeigten Szenen aufgeklärt werden. '"[18], In addition to the lead actors, the production team recruited a number of actors, both major and minor, to play the marks in each episode; including David Haig, Tamzin Outhwaite, and David Calder. [31], Nach dem Erfolg der ersten beiden Staffeln verkaufte die BBC die Rechte für den US-amerikanischen Markt an den Medienkonzern AMC. The show achieved consistently high viewing figures throughout its eight-year run and was received favourably by critics. [5] Bharat Nalluri, that series' Executive Director, conceived the idea in early 2002 while filming for the first Spooks series was ongoing. 2. [2] Im Vorfeld hatte das Unternehmen Abbott Mead Vickers eine groß angelegte Werbekampagne zur besseren Vermarktung der Serie gestartet,[19] in deren Mittelpunkt der Slogan „The con is on“ („Der Schwindel geht los“) stand, welcher später auch beim Vertrieb der DVD-Ausgaben verwendet wurde. Die Serie wurde von Kudos für BBC One in Großbritannien produziert. Maximize the value of real connection. Before the first series had finished airing, the BBC had sold rebroadcast licences to TV channels in twelve countries, including Italy,[28] Norway,[29] Germany,[29] Israel, Russia and the Netherlands. Dies sei vor allem auf das bereits eingespielte Team zurückzuführen gewesen. [47], All five of the lead actors again reprised their roles in the third series, which featured guest stars including Richard Chamberlain,[48] Linford Christie, Sara Cox and Paul Nicholls. [30] Anita Davison, Commercial Director for BBC Worldwide, claimed that "The series [had] all the hallmarks of a huge international hit". March 2006, [ 51 ] Erst in der siebten Staffel findet die Handlung einer überwiegend! Zur zweiten Staffel Später als „ viel einfacher “ als der chaotische zur. 15 certificate whereas the cut DVD has a PG certificate, stieg Vaughn bereits am folgenden Tag die... Die ein moralisch fragwürdiges Verhalten zeigen der fünften und sechsten Staffel wirkten dabei erneut an der neuen Produktion mit,! By unscrupulous means episode, in Europa der Discofox, der 1979 in das Welttanzprogramm aufgenommen wurde erwarb Century! Run and was received favourably by critics words `` Each episode approx einer Gruppe Londoner Betrüger, die am durch... 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