Close. His AOE always hits, and the debuff works really well in some squads. His defense and HP … Hey, so I guess I picked a bad time to take a break from the game. I mighe be able to snag a 5 star thrawn this go around, but Phoenix will definitely get some love once ive finished a few other big goals. I used the mod optimizer and took the best mods for this team, which is different than my mods (more speed, but less chemistry between them - for example, I had 4 defence mods on Paploo and 2 health, or 4 speed mods on Elder, but that was not the problem). Overview. Switched my arena mods on them and it was a challenge (around 8 tries), but in the end doable. SWGOH Reddit; SWGOH EA Forums; Units; Stats; GAC Meta; Database; Guilds; News; Log In; Log In Remove Ads. That is some seriously solid advice that I didn't even think about. Target R2 first, then worry about the rest level 2 Mobile versions of this guide will be available for download as soon as WWW version is ready. Below are the requirements to enter the event. Make sure to get his leader abi… No way. Level 85 recommended. You can do G8 but you need some big speed numbers on mods. The first fight requires at least 1 star in each character, the second fight requires 2 stars, etc. All my guys are almost g9 and I can't bring myself to invest any further since I only really use them for GW and to get R2. Important: the activation of R2-D2 is only possible after you have collected 145 fragments, over the course of 5 fights. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the SWGalaxyOfHeroes community. ! Archived . Picked em all up on their intro missions and then went on a brewk from the game shortly after that. Minimum team needed to unlock CLS? Last Event: 2020-12-24. Took me like 25 tries for the tarkin 5\ event. Credit to u/NinjaGamer1337 on Reddit By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. This is the B account I quit shortly after I was unable to beat the R2 event, Should add, I had more credits but really I wasn't close to beating it. I have Omegas on all R2, and at least 1 on Leia. All logos and images are copyrighted by their respective owners. 15 comments. SWGOH.GG; Characters; Barriss Offee; Barriss Offee. Farmboy Luke is 6 star and also G8, decent mods. Unlocks at 7 stars. Gaming Fans. What should you expect? Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes Game Guide by Edit: further, you have a week to fix the problem and months to save up gear slowly. Just got Vader to 7 stars and TFP is a few shards off so they will need some work, but RG and Tarkin are all set so I don't have a huge amount of work left. The most common numbers I see as a minimum are G10 for Palps, G9 for Vader and TFP, and G8 for Tarkin and RG, assuming a Palp (L). I'm currently working on building up a team of Palpatine, Vader, Royal Guard, Tie Fighter Pilot and Tarkin. Versatile Support Droid that inflicts Burning and grants allies Stealth. Should I full Omega them? Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Also, my future plans involve a cls rebel team so I 100% refuse to miss the next r2d2 opportunity. Jedi Healer that can balance party Health and Dispel allied Jedi frequently. On Thursday, May 4th, Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes will … Daring Droid: Tips for Success in the SWGoH R2-D2 Event TOPICS: Daring Droid event Empire R2-D2 R2-D2 event. The character acquisition progress is saved, so even if you do not finish all the fights during the event, you can continue unlocking R2-D2 the next time the Daring Droid event is available. Depends on mods and Omegas at that point. As you've probably noticed while playing SWGOH, R2-D2 is a common piece of the top squads in Squad Arena. R2-D2's Event, Daring Droid, is here! If you don't want to overcommit, try it with G8 average and have some gearpieces as backup just in case. CLS can’t be unlocked without R2 at 7* and R2-D2 requires a completely separate set of characters to unlock at 7*.Technically, any five Empire toons at 7* could get through R2’s event with the right RNG, but there are a set of toons that work much better than others: Palp-L, Vader, Thrawn, TFP, and Tarkin.Other substitutions can include: RG, Veers, Snowtrooper, and Magmatrooper. The event lasts for 6 days and consists of 6 phases that last … Requirements. 0. I don't want to waste more resources than I have to considering the number of teams I need to build up. The reward for completing each fight is a specific number of character shards, that are then used to unlock the unit. Luke Skywalker. Going to have to try and plan to build teams to catch them the next time they come around and though Luke is my biggest priority, I've gotta focus R2D2 first since he's a required New Hope team member. Mit einer sehr guten Grundgeschwindigkeit und einer hohen Überlebensfähigkeit wird die Verbesserung dieser Gebiete ihn zu einer echten Nervensäge für deine Gegner machen. Important: the activation of R2-D2 is only possible after you have collected 145 fragments, over the course of 5 fights.Each skirmish can only be completed once, so it is only possible to promote the character to 7 stars after completing all stages. The event lasts for two days and will automatically refresh at the 24 hour mark allowing you to play all tiers twice if played each day it is active. Although R2-D2 is not an exceptionally powerful character, any Star Wars fan will surely want him in his collection. From SWGoH Help Wiki. General's Command. Appreciate the info. Check out R2D2's Characters from Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes! I think a lot of people think you need to steamroll these events or finish the first try even. The Mythic version of the Legendary Event Daring Droid let's you replay the last tier of the original event along with two newly added tiers. Yeah, my take is that you need Palp at G10, Vader and TFP or Tarkin at G9, and the others at G8. Unless otherwise noted you don't need any omegas or zetas and I'm assuming you have bumped them to level 85. If so, you can take Thrawn on this journey too. In todays video, I show how I beat the Thrawn event with the least amount of upgrades! Minimum Gear Requirement For C3P0? It's easy to see why: He fits well with Droids, Rebels, and Resistance. Then save up the gear to get them up a gear level but don't put it on them. Missed R2, Luke, Thrawn and now BB8. R2 is Six stars/G9, better than average mods. ! Do you have Phoenix Squad? The most common numbers I see as a minimum are G10 for Palps, G9 for Vader and TFP, and G8 for Tarkin and RG, assuming a Palp (L). Ideally you get their basic attacks up there since there are a lot of assist calls in their repertoire. Power 34605; Speed 177; Health 41,891; Gear Levels Full Gear List Relic Tier List Stats Table Player Data Top Players ADVERTISEMENT Alignment / Role / Affiliations Light Side Droid Galactic Republic Rebel Resistance Support. Press J to jump to the feed. Unlocking C3PO minimum requirements. Depending on how many events you participate in, it may not always be beneficial to use full pieces though so choose what is best for you. Posted by 1 year ago. Requires: Empire Team [Check Progress] 7 stars. Posted By: ljcool110 April 26, 2017. If they aren't at 85 you're at a significant disadvantage. SWGoH Legendary Character Farming Roadmap Below is a farming roadmap that can be used to see all of the Legendary/Journey/Epic characters, what they require and where they can be farmed. This site is not associated with and/or endorsed by the Electronic Arts Inc. or EA Capital Games. January 14, 2021 | SWGoH: Geonosis Republic Offensive – Phase 2 Galactic Republic Combat Mission Walkthrough; Search for: Home Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Game Updates. Play Star Wars: Galaxy Of Heroes and other Mobile Games on your PC And Mac: Wordsss --Legendary C-3PO Event Guide. Last Event: 2021-01-07. Cookies help us deliver our Services. Hopefully by the time I finish my teams for R2 and Luke I'll have Chirrut at 7 stars and Baze at least 6 stars so I want to try and save as many resources for them as I can. That's what I'm going to do. … Appreciate that perspective. SWGOH.GG; Characters; R2-D2; Number Crunch; R2-D2 . I just ended up running it on auto a dozen times or so until it worked. Reward: Finalizer - SWGOH Events displays the next event date with relevant information about the event. Acquiring him is only possible during a very rare Daring Droid event, which has no clearly defined time frame. Ideales Mod-Setup für SWGoH R2-D2: R2-D2 ist ein Charakter mit guten Werten, der mit den richtigen Mods großartig gemacht werden kann. Reward: Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker - SWGOH Events displays the next event date with relevant information about the event. All of this will, of course, take place on my personal account and I thank you in advance for your interest. It’s really not that difficult, but R2’s last mission is very RNG dependent. I was thinking about trying to get them boosted up before empire/new hope thinking that i could just use Thrawn as my 5th empire guy but without knowing exactly when his event relaunches i didnt know if Id have time to farm all of them up to 7. Wait for the event. It rewards MK V-B or Mk V-A mods and will require Empire and Rebel characters. Jump to:navigation, search. SWGOH.GG; Characters; R2-D2; R2-D2. Jump to:navigation, search. "SWGOH" R2D2. Once you meet these requirements, you will be able to start earning tickets that are needed to attempt the event itself. Crafting Required: This scrap will require keeping a character at a certain gear level to use for crafting the full pieces. The event consists of 7 levels and on each of them you have to use a team composed purely out of Empire units. Minimum Gear Requirement For C3P0? Below I will detail my roster of characters needed and then, once I have them geared up with proper minimum Relics, I will chronicle my experience fighting the event. Can definitely farm up gear and leave it on the backburner for if I need it, if not funnel it all in to my future teams. From SWGoH Help Wiki. Throwing all your energy at gear for a week can make a huge difference. Power 31624; Speed 136; Health 37,121; Gear Levels Full Gear List Relic Tier List Stats Table Player Data Top Players ADVERTISEMENT Alignment / Role / Affiliations Light Side Galactic Republic Healer Jedi Leader. Versatile Support Droid that inflicts Burning and grants allies Stealth. Just waiting on the next R2 event to finish him off. Next Event: 2021-01-31. SWGoH: Geonosis Republic Offensive – Phase 3 Ki-Adi-Mundi Shard Combat Mission Walkthrough TOPICS: ARC Trooper Captain Rex Clone Troopers Clone Wars Echo Fives Geonosis Republic Offensive Reek Shaak Ti Territory Battles … I managed to 7 star R2 with G9 vader and tfp, G8 palpatine and tarkin, G7 RG, all lvl 80. SWGOH.LIFE is not affiliated with EA, EA Capital Games, Disney or Lucasfilm LTD. R2-D2. Versatile Support Droid that inflicts Burning and grants allies Stealth. This is the 7 star R2D2 event, the characters I used are: Palpatine (leader): G10 Thrawn: G10 Vader: G9 Tarkin: G8 Magmatrooper: G7. Am I in the ballpark of being able to get CLS? Develop your SWGOH roster and take on the most challenging content in EA / Capital Games' hit mobile game Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Minimum. Type Territory Battle: Runs 6 Days Requires Dark Side units: Reward Mk I Guild Event Token Mk II Guild Event Token Crystal Prize Box Imperial Probe Droid: Release date November 23, 2017 Hoth Imperial Retaliation is a Territory Battle that requires Dark Side characters and ships. Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes is a mobile game by EA Capital Games where players collect, level and battle with heroes and villains from the Star Wars universe. Copyright © 2000 - 2021 GRY-Online S.A. for, unofficial game guides, walkthroughs, secrets, game tips, maps & strategies for top games. For individual abilities you don't have to bump them all the way to 7, but it can't hurt. That all sounds convenient to me since my main arena team (a bit dated for the meta now) is Wiggs, Palpatine, Landa and ST Han so my Palpatine is only a piece away from G11. G8 and if you can get Vader and EP to G9+ yours good but really only takes G8s. I have ST Han, Leia, and Old Ben at Seven stars/G8 with decent mods. I’m finishing up my Ewoks and I’m using the “optimal” team (Chirpa, Logray, Elder, Wicket, Paploo) with a zeta on chirpa and I’ll zeta Wicket next (if necessary). You are not permitted to copy any image, text or info from this page. Each skirmish can only be completed once, so it is only possible to promote the character to 7 stars after completing all stages. His basic attack does decent damage and can stun enemies. The reward for completing each fight is a specific number of character shards, that are then used to unlock the unit. I'd say get them all to G8, except Vader and Palp to G9. Requirements. See how you do. Then decide if you need to push anyone else up. Target R2 first, then worry about the rest. I only have them around 4-5 star each. January 14, 2021 | SWGoH: Geonosis Republic Offensive – Phase 2 Galactic Republic Combat Mission Walkthrough; Search for: Home Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes. Chirpa (L) 4* G8:You need Chirpa as the leader. Any suggestions on how far I should gear them? Daring Droid Legendary Event. I'd be insane to try to level another ship or whatever instead of just throwing attempts at it for a half hour. Check out R2D2's Characters and Stats from Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes! You can't use Teebo as the leader and get through this with a lower end Ewok squad. 'Re at a significant disadvantage also G8, decent mods to push else... Ballpark of being able to r2d2 minimum requirements swgoh earning tickets that are then used to unlock the unit a... Be posted and votes can not be cast, more posts from game... Swgoh R2-D2 event can balance party Health and Dispel allied Jedi frequently question mark to learn rest! Get Vader and EP to G9+ yours good but really only takes G8s mobile versions of will! Ship or whatever instead of just throwing attempts at it for a half hour tarkin G7. But do n't need any Omegas or zetas and i 'm currently working on building up gear! 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