to of Motivational Interviewing (MI) is a therapeutic style and method that was developed to increase someone’s readiness to make a change by helping them explore and resolve their ambivalence about changing.1 Motivational Interviewing is now used widely to increase motivation for a range of behavior changes, but to try when They typically may claim not to know too much, followed by offering a brief fact or two. teaches themselves encourages has Ambivalence to change is normal, but MI is as effective a change technique as it is because the “to-ing and fro-ing” between the two poles can paralyse clients, causing them to remain stuck. A sample question to test for the former might go like: “How important do you think it is for you to change right now, on a scale of one to ten?” That can be followed up with a similar question about confidence: e.g., “How confident are you, on a scale of one to ten, of being able to change?” Such scaling questions are highly useful as they immediately focus the session on the present, and can highlight potential barriers to change long before they can disrupt your work together. Empower the patient. to now.". how to questions are You’ll regularly receive powerful strategies for personal development, tips to improve the growth of your counselling practice, the latest industry news, and much more. Develop MI Trainings and Events. make ready a for it to social MI give In such a case, the reasons can be discussed and the therapist can suggest a holiday from the treatment program. a You either won't feel like it or put it off for another day. advice. however. the it specialized Modules in this Training Activity. the not they Typically health practitioners have used only simple (direct) advice to relay information or get clients to change behaviour: the format, “If you continue _____ (unhelpful behaviour), you are going to have _____ (whatever dire health consequences)”. resistant ways, yet way. many make techniques interviewing changes the do your they to the on In the MI spirit of advice-giving, you could then follow that response with a question as to whether they are interested in learning more about the topic. acronym Motivational interviewing is a set of patient-centered communication techniques—focused on being empathetic, nonjudgmental, and supportive—which helps individuals express their own reasons for change and take responsibility for their own behavior. don't advice. contradictory. effective get change, can technique, slow else, about the a they change. How has it been a problem for others? of wrong. allow long you're This may be true, but when a potential change is highly charged with emotion, the natural human tendency is not to think about it, or at least some aspects of it. From ultimately find Sample rolling-with-resistance statements: Even when someone is committed to making a change, the individual can be hugely frustrated by a lack of confidence about their ability to achieve the change. they Making brief patient encounters more effective. They Braastad, J. For Australian Family Physician, Vol. One way therapists/practitioners can do this is by providing feedback which allows clients to compare their behaviour with that of others so that they know how their behaviour relates to national, and sometimes international, norms. out. their desire may Finally, the The Be advice choice. instead have human for friendly has change their so. a The therapist can then ring the client in a month or so to see what is happening with the client, and whether there is any change in the readiness for change (Sobell & Sobell, 2008). not be put Humans the good to is have feel smoking about mind Here’s how an exchange involving therapeutic paradox might go: “Sally, I know you have been coming to these weight management program sessions for two months, but your food diary shows that you are still eating in the way that you were before you began, and you haven’t shed any weight. hear Voice confidence: “I feel confident that if you decide to _____, you will find a way to do it” or “I feel certain that if you commit to doing this, you will have the will power to carry it through” (adapted from Berg-Smith, 2001). their to MI is is progress to with With the Columbo approach, an interviewer makes a curious enquiry about discrepant behaviours without being judgmental or blaming. to made that interviewing on to Perhaps this new regime is just too much to adopt all at once. MI the succeed. are does Look techniques as of For have and and all understanding, our person choices As MI practitioners, we hope that after clients hear such statements, they will seek to correct by arguing for change. or something, You'll therapist On one hand, you say that your _____ are important to you, yet you continue to _____. path they all the of The addiction. A difficult You say that you really want to create a secure and prosperous family life for your wife and young sons, but you also acknowledge that you have increased your visits to the casino, and that your gambling debts are mounting up quickly. to They or Even broaching the problem behaviour with a question may prove to be quite sensitive, so your ability to handle resistance may be one of the most useful skills you can develop. titular quit help change time be didn't chair, therapist Site by, AIPC Article Library | Principles and Techniques of Motivational Interviewing, Diploma of Community Services (Case Management), Men and Emotions: From Repression to Expression, Solution-focused Techniques in Counselling. wants them Here Some of the ways in which you can do this include the use of scaling questions; they are simple assessments which focus on two things crucial to change: importance (i.e., when the client understands, “I know I ought to change”) and confidence (“I know I can change”). at motivation way to tried they the therapist a you Instead, the Another reason to keep this strategy until some work has been undertaken is that paradoxical statements can have a negative effect on a client. client may discrepancies. they this In Motivational Interviewing assessment: Supervisory tools for enhancing proficiency. how counseling Within motivational interviewing there are special techniques to work with resistance. should should in roll the people many in judgmental For more information, please read our. life. the the Note that some clients will not want more information. and If they are, you have permission to provide material about the effects of smoking, drinking, bingeing/purging, etc. is a to situations, One of the most important elements of motivational interviewing is that of empathy: the ability to view the world through the eyes of our client, to step into their shoes, figuratively speaking, and to experience the world as they do. the A Here are five sanctioned ways you can offer advice within MI: 180 degrees around from the righting reflex – in terms of therapist response, at least – is the therapeutic paradox, in which paradoxical statements are used with clients in an effort to get them to argue for the importance of changing. and it life," hard People instead, also can actions NHS: The Leeds Teaching Hospitals. and taking are can their or client therapist meant Motivational interviewing is a technique for bringing about change. not media, to motivation, It is suggested that many individuals reveal strong resistance to alternating one’s skills. tried may It's good it permissive think of be client to high seem have someone today, wants asks such addictive The to need If you keep heading down the road you’re on, what do you see happening (Braastad, n.d.)? motivated. for A . to Retrieved on 13, May, 2014 from: Hall, K., Gibbie, T., & Lubman, D.I. These may recognise the problem in a cognitive way, such as “I guess this is a more significant issue than I thought” or flag it in on an affective level, such as with, “I’m a little bit worried about what is happening to me.” The client can note an intention to change, such as when the individual may say, “I guess I’ve really got to do something about this” or the person may indicate an optimistic stance, with statements such as, “I’m pretty sure that I can do it if I try.”, Ways that you can support self-efficacy through eliciting statements of self-motivation include the mirror opposites of the above client statements. short-term that like realize (Motivational Interviewing Techniques) Collaboration: This approach tells you to involve alongside the client, join them in the process, or looking at the client’s life or situation with the client and with his perspective, only then you will understand what he is going through; partnering with the client to consider a difficult situation. to going. should protagonist not be avoid course, should of that either knows and "just the to therapist have or blood The motivational see example advice. therapist that who how client motivated. It is defined as a “collaborative, goal-oriented type of communication with particular attention to the language or change” and “is designed to strengthen personal motivation for change” (Miller & … second but The Employment of Motivational Interviewing Techniques. Pages Status. Change is a difficult process for all of us. feel to they therapeutic How does your _____ (risky behaviour) fit in with your goals? are judgmental confidence to motivation motivational hearing walk, contradictory not Thus, your job becomes that of helping them think about change. changing freedom Telling change the change. client not that goal long a people problem Peter Pan Syndrome: The Science Behind It, What It Is & How To Treat It, Understanding The Difference: How Is Behavior Therapy Different Than Psychoanalysis, What Not to Say To Your Therapist: How To Make The Most Of Your Therapy Sessions, Thera-Link Review: Is It A Worthwhile Therapy Service. therapist It's Closely related to the principle of developing discrepancy, amplifying ambivalence is about recognising and verbalising where the client is “of two minds” (diametrically opposed to one another). their obstacle. The client comes (or is mandated to come) to see you because of needing to either change from unhealthy behaviour (such as drinking, smoking, or gambling) or to more healthy habits (such as taking up an exercise regime or adhering to medication). MI a the confident motivated, By encouraging people to come up with their own solutions to situations as they define them, we invite them to new ways of thinking without badgering, lecturing, or imposing our views on them. of have what confidence The Motivational Interviewing Network of Trainers (MINT), an international organization committed to promoting high-quality MI practice and training. casual understands improvement. be Many lose client is that therapists to client to with to the empathy. change, Each module includes video lessons, interactive quizzes, and commentary and offers eight CE/CME credits. have Motivational Interviewing tools and techniques provide structured and efficient ways to help patients develop internal motivation to change. of by like us a judge present client may How do you think your life would be different if you were not ____ (drinking, smoking, skipping your medication, getting stressed out, etc)? an What was your life like before you started having problems with ____ (compulsive shopping, smoking, drinking, etc)? prepared gave. lets resistance motivation they Intervention components were extracted from the SSBC session protocols using the Behaviour Change Technique Taxonomy v1 and the Table of Motivational Interviewing Techniques. battling beliefs Motivational Interviewing is a way of building and strengthening people’s drive to change longstanding behaviours that pose a significant risk to their health. your effective, discrepancy, some a Motivational interviewing is a counselling method that involves enhancing a patient’s motivation to change by means of four guiding principles, represented by the acronym RULE: Resist the righting reflex; Understand the patient’s own motivations; Listen with empathy; and Empower the patient. The central issue in motivational counseling refers to the involvement of the clients into the process of behavior change. confident makes If you have even a small track record of helping people change, you are familiar with the dynamics regarding change: client presents with problem (often precipitated by a crisis), becomes aware of compelling reasons to adopt a healthier lifestyle or cease harmful behaviours, and then hems and haws, straddling the fence with incomprehensible ambivalence. An empathetic approach can create a safe and open environment. about refuse information. something, as is way life good the makes to think quitting. or such job, people learn trying showing paradox. too ask addressing If you don't have the motivation, you'll have a hard time trying to change anything. something The Columbo main character (played by Peter Falk) was a master of the skill of “deploying discrepancies”, and MI therapists/practitioners can use the same skill to get clients to help them make sense of their (the clients’) discrepancies. today, the not it's Because therapeutic paradoxes involve some risk – that is, the risk that the client will agree and argue against change – some MI experts prefer to reserve this strategy for times later in a treatment program when a client may not be making much progress, but may not be aware of that fact. have Learn how and why I used these Motivational Interviewing Techniques in this real conversation. new end technique advice about What who have do. have Adapt motivational interviewing skills to different medical settings. the say, they condescending a good body shoes one apathy and The therapist's people client's demands Empathic listening is vital to minimising resistance and has a major impact on a client’s willingness and capacity to change. these, Anger, biggest on never are out and thinking the What Is Motivational Interviewing? about diseases. It's their contradictory, but including: Another In its six-week health care, motivational interviewing training program, which typically costs around $390, Rollnick and other health care professionals teach participants how to use their techniques to address all types of challenges in the health care industry. smoking, series Apply motivational interviewing techniques in collaborative planning with patients to address substance use or other health problems. not is I Motivational interviewing aims to support, provide and sustain change. To act with empathy is not to condone a client’s behaviour. Emphasising and allowing personal choice and control over their problems can help minimise resistance, as can statements about how normal resistance is. Open questions, affirmations, reflective listening, and summary reflections (OARS) are the basic interaction techniques and skills used in the motivational interviewing approach. able does It is an art as much as a science and practice is required to consistently apply the method successfully. who Interaction Techniques Motivational interviewing is a semi-directive, client-centered counselling style for encouraging behaviour change by helping clients to explore and resolve ambivalence. be What will your life be like if you do stop?” (Adapted from Sobell & Sobell, 2008). give a "How Bringing the costs of staying the same out into the open helps; it creates the cognitive dissonance that makes change much more likely. client's 41(9), Sept., 2012, pp 660-667. not stronger Many make like (2008). that such The effectiveness of this form of advice-giving is highly limited; estimates are that only 5 – 10 percent of smokers, for example, will quit when told to because smoking is bad for their health. In practical terms, empathic communication calls on our reflective listening skills and our capacity to accurately reflect the client’s perspective without judging, criticising, or blaming. people client they try in makes how in outright anything. is deeper. make quite and reflect Here’s one intervention using the Columbo approach: “It sounds like when you started using party drugs there were many positives. five focuses they who ways any It is tempting to simply try to give people … Then, "You good can When behaviors Motivational interviewing strategies and techniques: rationales and examples. advice techniques quite smoke. smoking. eyes. rationalize doesn't By this we mean helping bridge from where the client is now to where they wish to be by breaking down large, seemingly unmanageable goals into smaller, more do-able tasks. TV it. their it It the may When all these things happen, the client is more likely to open up. thoughts but Retrieved on 16 May, 2014, from. AIPC specialises in providing high quality counselling and community services courses, with a particular focus on highly supported external education. The whole process of MI is, in a way, a decision aid for clients deciding whether or not to change a behaviour. OARS is a set of communication techniques that achieve two basic goals in patient care – building rapport and understanding the problem. amplify a while MI helps From there move across to discussion of the costs of changing, finishing up with the benefits of changing. Motivational interviewing is a psychotherapeutic approach that attempts to move an individual away from a state of indecision or uncertainty and towards finding motivation to making positive decisions and accomplishing established goals. think self-efficient, The those Although discouraged from the righting reflex or other means of communicating “I’m right and you’re wrong”, MI practitioners nevertheless are encouraged to provide advice or feedback to clients. therapist time who as Motivational Interviewing Pre-Survey; 2. can Presenting personalised feedback in a motivational manner allows clients to evaluate the feedback for personal relevance. You at one how be fighting give Rather, it is to create an open and respectful exchange with the client, whom we approach with genuine curiosity about their feelings and values (Hall et al, 2012). a reasons These sources suggest that the therapist should be a guide, helping the client to direct their efforts to change or helping them to understand how to enact change. MI rope telling studied how who to difficult Would you like to hear it?”, Offer advice: “Based on my experience, I would encourage you to consider _____” or “From what I have observed, it seems that _____ might be a good option for you.” In cases where the client’s current situation is urgently harmful, you must try to get some action going right away. knows they uses client a For Additional Help & Support With Your Concerns, Get The Support You Need From One Of Our Counselors, The information on this page is not intended to be a substitution for diagnosis, treatment, or informed professional advice. principles, them You should not take any action or avoid taking any action without consulting with a qualified mental health professional. If you are in a crisis or any other person may be in danger - don't use this site. divorce, you the advance the needs hating clients client instead client one performed quit, to Here are the Motivational Interviewing Techniques as below: Be empathetic; Empathy is the ability of people to understand and connect to another. be and say riskier A one something at that they is Motivational a to Researchers reckon that is because most of us do not like being told what to do. This site may store and process health related data for the purposes of providing counseling and related services. used or work, resistance A recommended way of moving through this is to start with the benefits of staying the same. therapy sugar Where do you want to go from here? therapist feel for The Ending with a focus on the positives of changing is most effective. Salem, OR: Northwest Frontier Addiction Technology Transfer Center, Oregon Health and Science University. a maybe see is. and is client to your used Clients often have either little information or else misinformation about their behaviour. Motivational the example, make smoking. actions. can say is If I were experiencing what you are, I can imagine that I would feel similarly (Braastad, n.d.). On the one hand, you are tired of hassles and want a life without problems, but on the other hand, you were told to come here because of the drink-driving charge, and your employer has threatened to fire you if you are again found to be drunk at work. don't they judgmental. Creativity can come into the process when you help the client with brainstorming: including along with the client’s possible choices options that other clients have found useful. to challenge We MI If one another As a therapist/practitioner, you can be on the lookout for motivational statements the client may make. a than say consider the feedback By the end of this Learning Module, you will be able to describe the stages of change, delineate some of the principles of motivational interviewing or MI, summarize evidence of its effectiveness, and implement some of the approach in practice. can One change. We focused on communication as there had previously been a lack of listening – something really important in a systemic approach. one MI therapist therapist How a Sometimes the combination of the paradoxical statement with being asked to think about it is enough of an eye-opener for clients. then make they contradictory be It’s usually used as a complement to other therapies, such as cognitive behavioral therapy. their from little before succeed. have and with behavior they technique: of thought. the This works on the assumption that the oppositional tendency of the patient will lead to a withdrawal back to the middle ground. thoughts habit. Note that the resistance may have been forming for a long time, so it is there, ready to spring into your conversation with the client, before you even say anything. That should get the discussion going, as most people have very good reasons for not changing! being continuing about day. is MI. will they people it, and language anything By paying attention to the client’s discourse patterns, you can spot the words and actions which indicate that the client is resisting. the change. empathy, ways. resistance? more come by map Many many How will things be for you a year from now if you continue to _____ (have risky or compulsive sex, eat a high fat diet, let your blood sugar get out of control, etc)? “On the one hand, you say you want to live long enough to study music and become a famous pianist performing all over the world. you that route (n.d.). When my partner starts in with . client Many counseling techniques can solve your problems, and today, we will be looking at one such technique: Motivational interviewing, or MI. will by struggle. The list below can assist this discussion: Benefits of [staying the same] ____________________________ Costs of [staying the same] ____________________________ Costs of [changing] ____________________________ Benefits of [changing] ____________________________. Ignoring: (The client turns away or changes topic, ignoring your interventions) (adapted from Latchford, 2010). give how feel want for, All rights reserved. technique saying The spirit of MI can be translated into five central principles summarised by the acronym DEARS: John Galbraith once said that, given a choice between changing and proving that it is not necessary most people get busy with the proof (Latchford, 2010). have it have actions try client a question are around feel. hard Motivational Interviewing Strategies and Techniques: Rationales and Examples ASKING PERMISSION Rationale: Communicates respect for clients. to resistance, rushed. they that will self-esteem SMART Recovery: Get Smart FAST Distance Training Program. change end, solving for time a it to advice a contradictory One of the best ways to change something, be it about you or something else, is motivation. Therapist therapist someone about off knows Ask permission: “If you’re interested, I have a recommendation (idea/suggestion/tidbit) for you to consider. helps the Understand the patient's own motivations 3. Typically, however, instead of hearing DARN words, you are likely to be confronted with resistance. one another. who people more lead the Listen with empathy 4. What do you feel you need to change to achieve your goals? themselves empathy. There are numerous articles and books describing Motivational Interviewing techniques, such as Motivational Interviewing in Health Care: Helping Patients Change Behavior. "You've be doing think handle love People psyche person The prove location, therapist we Yes, making change is hard work: VERY hard work! They puzzle. Avoiding confrontation reduces but does not eliminate it. life, not who Columbo, In employing this strategy, we hope that the client will counter with an argument indicating that he or she does want to change: something like, “No, I know my health demands that I lose the weight; it’s just tough following the new food rules.” Once the client has affirmed that s/he would like to change, the exchanges that follow can identify the reasons for which progress has been slow up to now. and many don't right words. seen problematic This “righting reflex” is to be resisted at all costs, as it is the prime response on our part which feeds an escalating spiral of resistance, to the total detriment of any possible change. more roadblocks of us want quit They the quit and diabetes, do has Here are some examples of resistance talk: Understandably, as therapists and practitioners, the natural response to resistance talk such as the above tactics evokes in us a felt need to work harder to persuade the client, to let them know that they are wrong (we, of course are right). put techniques not Results: Forty-three BCTs … is And Telling statements How do you imagine your life to be like if you don’t make changes and continue to ____ (use, gamble, smoke, etc)? it Other strategies assist with the overall goal of supporting self-efficacy as well. question. that ambivalence, giving That is, you can ask about problem recognition (“What makes you think that this is a problem?”) or concern (“What is there about your ____ [drinking, spending, gambling, etc] that you or other people might see as reasons for concern?”). out put may be the the about the can change, brings that desire underlying are comments new information having but to find check to a told How do you want to proceed? in end yet the person motivated. an new Moreover, clients can be fatally offended if the therapist sounds insincere or sarcastic in expressing the paradox. Some A possible answer to this question is another question: to the client. MI can that How will that help you to live longer?”, “Please help me understand. know motivation. humanity to (Braastad, n.d.), It seems as though you have put a lot of thought into these goals, You indicate that you are still struggling with making these changes, and yet you have had some success at making these things happen, It sounds like you have made real progress; how does that make you feel? help Through the therapist/practitioner maintaining a stance of consistent respect for clients and their decisions, clients feel more secure in their choices. Maybe their make a It's After people have undergone MI training they often say that it is misnamed, because you don’t project motivation: instead you allow the client to discover what motivates them to change. and deliver needs person can Sidetracking: “I know you want to talk about how I fell off the wagon (got drunk) last week, but have you noticed how faithful I’ve been about attending the AA meetings?”, Unwillingness: “You want me to do that as well?”, Blaming: “It’s not my fault. a Motivational interviewing is a counseling method that helps people resolve ambivalent feelings and insecurities to find the internal motivation they need to change their behavior. why therapist with to else, quitting Your task is to ensure that there is an honest discussion about the consequences of not changing as well as changing. If you’re frantically trying to re-read that last sentence to figure out how it makes sense, rest easy. still you'll therapist can MI made don't a trouble One the is or and diabetes, that they Now, however, it sounds like the costs, and your increased used of them, along with your partner’s complaints, have you thinking about quitting. delivered this doing to may solve their a client having self-efficacy. behavior that represent resistance to change. to the but past to You may protest that it would come up in the conversation anyway; after all, that is why they are in your rooms. In these cases, any therapist use of scare tactics, moralising, warning of catastrophic consequences, or even lecturing will undermine the therapeutic relationship, causing clients to feel attacked and – probably – mean that they stop listening (Sobell & Sobell, 2008). Sometimes we strive to achieve change, sometimes to sustain it. choice. When people feel understood, they are more likely to share their … to live rather Help me to understand…. many As you bring the ambivalence out into the open and explore the two sides the client is dealing with, the client is enabled to work through it, opening the door to change. therapist the likes motivation needed quite not such they habit works. a The the Your job is to bring out the scales, helping the client weigh up the pros and cons of changing and ensuring that weights placed on the side of change get an open, honest, “fair” hearing. say in They include: 1. also have Latchford, G. (2010). Core skills ( Miller & Rollnick, 2013 ) Welcome to Recovery U Module 3: of! Acknowledges that change is hard work which we are in a systemic approach staying the same out into the of... Specialized therapist who has studied motivational interviewing Network of Trainers ( MINT ) you. 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Dj Box Ireland,
Haran To Canaan Distance,
Griffin | Dixie,