It is based on fairly good data for the entire period. The demographics of New Zealand encompass the gender, ethnic, religious, geographic, and economic backgrounds of the 5 million people living in New Zealand. [37] During the gold rush period (1858–1880s) large number of young men came from California and Victoria to New Zealand goldfields. [23] As of 2012 there are 0.99 males per female, with males dominating under 15 years and females dominating in the 65 years or older range. Due to restrictive policies, limitations were placed on non-European immigrants. Waiheke Island (near Auckland) is easily the most populated smaller island with 9,660 residents, while Great Barrier Island, the Chatham and Pitt Islands, and Stewart Island each have populations below 1,000. The government has also implemented effective structures of governance, specialized human rights and other accountability mechanisms, and has recognised the vulnerability of particular groups and individuals. [29] A group of Māori migrated to Rēkohu, now known as the Chatham Islands, where they developed their distinct Moriori culture. In New Zealand, there is at least one case of a man being charged with murder where if he was a woman he would have been charged with infanticide. [110] In 2010 the estimated gross domestic product (GDP) at purchasing power parity (PPP) per capita was roughly US$28,250, between the thirty-first and fifty-first highest for all countries. [107] Farming is still a major employer, with 75 000 people indicating farming as their occupation during the 2006 census,[108] although dairy farming has recently taken over from sheep as the largest sector. Women dying at aged 75 and over were always the single largest group by age of death, but the proportion increased significantly as life expectancy increased, and living standards and … Māori were discouraged from speaking their own language in schools and work places and it existed as a community language only in a few remote areas. The current life expectancy for New Zealand in 2021 is 82.50 years, a 0.18% increase from 2020. Among those with functional limitations, more required a medium level of support and fewer Over the period 2008–12, New Zealand ranked about 14th highest for females and 5th for males. [88] Many places have officially been given dual Māori and English names in recent years. That's far lower than the national average of 81.4 years. This graph shows life expectancy at birth for both sexes since 1950. A history of life expectancy in NZ: up to 1940 ...New Zealand Life expectancy at age 60, female. Where a person reported more than one religious affiliation, they were counted in each applicable group. In New Zealand the government has implemented specialist family violence courts and means-tested legal aid services which provide referral and advocacy as well as applicant support and outreach for victims of domestic violence. Life expectancy at birth: total population: 82.1 years [see also: Life expectancy at birth - total population country ranks] male: 80.4 years [see also: Life expectancy at birth - male country ranks] female: 84 years (2020 est.) Source: Statistics New Zealand, complete cohort life tables 1876–2014 (updated March 2016) and national population projections 2014(base)–2068, mortality assumptions (published November 2014). [6] Compared to the diversity of the population as a whole, the population aged under 18 years is considerably more ethnically diverse. Diggers, Hatters and Whores.p 197-198. One in 4.5 will be aged 65 and over. According to the latest WHO data published in 2018 life expectancy in New Zealand is: Male 80.5, female 84.0 and total life expectancy is 82.2 which gives New Zealand a World Life Expectancy ranking of 15. Female is the total number of female primary-school-age children who are not enrolled in either primary or secondary schools. The gender neutral equivalent, common assault, is not included in the act. It is estimated that only 18% of family violence cases are reported to the police and 84% of those arrested for domestic violence are men. vi Independent Life Expectancy in New Zealand 2013 Independent life expectancy for Māori males decreased in both absolute and relative terms, which indicates an absolute expansion of morbidity. Although there has been a general increase, life expectancy for men has increased faster than that of women, reducing the difference from about six years in the 1980s to about three years in 2014. After World War II, Hong Kong saw rapid economic development and has seen a steady increase in the life expectancy of its people. Male life expectancy … [23], At present there are no adopted quotas and targets to increase the number of women to ensure the equal representation of women in all publicly appointed bodies by the New Zealand Government. [24], The total fertility rate is the number of children born per woman. As at the 2018 census, 37 percent of the population identify as Christians, with Hinduism and Buddhism being the largest minority religions; almost half of the population (48.5 percent) is irreligious. At birth, therefore, females can expect to live independently for 1.3 years longer than males. [106] During the 1880s agricultural products became the highest export earner and farming was a major occupation within New Zealand. Life expectancy at birth for the period 2012–2014 is based on death rates of that period, and takes no account of changes in death rates after that period. The Adoption Act 1955[20] prevents males from adopting female children in certain cases. List of countries and dependencies in the world ranked by life expectancy at birth, both sexes, males and females. Life expectancy at birth is 80.2 years for males and 83.6 years for females. There are some other laws refer to ‘male assaults female’ which creates further gender inequalities. In 2013, over half (51.6 percent) of New Zealand's overseas-born population lived in the Auckland Region, including 72 percent of the country's Pacific Island-born population, 64 percent of its Asian-born population, and 56 percent of its Middle Eastern and African- born population. [55] The Māori population increased during the twentieth century,[56] though it remains a minority. A person born on or after 1 January 2006 acquires New Zealand citizenship at birth only if at least one parent is a New Zealand citizen or permanent resident. Legislation in respect of gender equality in the workplace include the Equal Pay Act 1972,[9] the State Sector Act 1988[10] and the Human Rights Act 1993. [120] Most New Zealanders do some form of voluntary work, more women volunteer (92 percent) than males (86 percent). "[49], The latest New Zealand Crime and Safety Survey found that 4.4% of males and 5.7% of females reported one or more incidents of partner violence in the 12 months preceding the survey. [116] In 2013, the median personal income had risen slightly to $28,500. Between the periods 2000–02 and 2005–07, life expectancy at 65 years improved by 1.4 years for males and 0.6 years for females. In the OECD's final report on Gender Equality in Education, Employment and Entrepreneurship it was found that women in New Zealand do more unpaid work than paid work, gain more tertiary qualifications than men and women-owned new enterprises outperform men-owned enterprises. There is a National Action Plan to implement UNSC Resolution 1325, which is dedicated to Peace and Security for women.[37]. Women are expected to live for about 84.9 years and men are expected to live for about 81.2 years. The Domestic Violence Act 1995[48] addresses domestic and family violence against women and pursuant to the act domestic violence can be charged as a criminal offence. [clarification needed] In the adult population 14.2 percent have a bachelor's degree or higher, 30.4 percent have some form of secondary qualification as their highest qualification and 22.4 percent have no formal qualification. Average US Life Expectancy Statistics by Gender, Ethnicity, State.Study IntroductionLife expectancy gives us a glimpse into the nation’s health, unfortunately, over the past few years the United States has been on the largest continuous decline in expected lifespan for a century. Male and female life expectancy, 1950–2014 Next. Figures 1-9 show life expectancy at birth, age 65, and age 85 (males and females) for the total population and Māori and non-Māori from 1955-57 to 2005-07. For instance, in 2013,[54] the population aged under 18 years was 71 percent European, 25 percent Māori, 13 percent Pacific, 12 percent Asian, and 1 percent MELAA,[65] while the population aged 65 years and older consisted of 87.8 percent European, 5.6 percent Māori, 4.7 percent Asian and 2.4 percent Pacific. Population density will go up to 21.7 people per square kilometer. Following the Treaty of Waitangi in 1840 when the country became a British colony, immigrants were predominantly from Britain, Ireland and Australia. [4] As of January 2021, the total population has risen to an 5,110,660 (estimated by extrapolation). The Māori loanword "Pākehā" usually refers to New Zealanders of European descent, although some reject this appellation,[11][12] and some Māori use it to refer to all non-Polynesian New Zealanders. There is no equivalent for men. [4] Immigration and associated demographic change in recent decades has contributed to the growth of minority religions,[103] especially Hinduism, Buddhism and Islam. After 5 years the person can apply for permanent residency. The life expectancy at birth should reach 86.6 (85.6 years for male and 87.7 years for females). 10 Facts About Life Expectancy in New Zealand. The New Zealand life expectancy at birth for babies born between 2012 and 2014 was 79.5 years for males and 83.2 years for females, which is a difference of 3.7 years. The life expectancy of female of New Zealand increased from 81.83 years in 2005 to 83.86 years in 2018 growing at an average annual rate of 0.27%. 15.5 percentage points difference, For maths, 74.8 percent of boys and 76.2% of girls are meeting standards. [17] In May 2020, Statistics New Zealand reported that New Zealand's population had climbed above 5 million people in March 2020;[18] in September 2020, this was revised six months earlier to September 2019 when population estimates were rebased to the 2018 census. See Also. Compared with 2017, male life expectancy at birth fell by 2.1 weeks and female life expectancy at birth by 2.6 weeks. In essence the relatively strong legal framework is not always effectively implemented and domestic violence continues to be a challenge for New Zealand society. Although there has been a general increase, life expectancy for men has increased faster than that of women, reducing the difference from about six years in the 1980s to about three years in 2014. According to the most recently available data from the World Bank, New Zealand life expectancy at birth in the year 2015 was 81.46 years. Mexico had the lowest life expec… All regions had gains in male life expectancy at age 65. English has long been entrenched as a de facto national language due to its widespread use. Read more Iriaka Rātana was the first Maori woman MP in 1949 and Dame Jenny Shipley was the first woman to be prime minister in New Zealand from 1997 to 1999. Life expectancy at birth is 80.2 years for males and 83.6 years for females. The entry includes total population as well as the male and female components. Inequality No data available for New Zealand. [31] The goals of the New Zealand policy is to achieve women's representation in these organizations. [49] Nearly one quarter of New Zealand's highly skilled workers live overseas, mostly in Australia and Britain, more than any other developed nation. New Zealand has a mechanism to prevent gender inequality in the proposed legislation. The Maori Land Act 1993 provides for gender equality in the control and use of land and resources. [4] A considerable proportion of first- and second-generation migrants are multilingual. In 2012–2014, life expectancy at birth for females was 83.2 years and 79.5 years for males, as calculated by Statistics New Zealand Period Life Tables. The government has also implemented similar programmes designed specifically for Maori, Pacific and migrant women which are endorsed by their communities. Areas with low urban influence where the majority of the residents work in the rural area house approximately 42 percent of the rural population. Iceland’s life expectancy is the tenth-highest in the world at 83.07. [8], Unemployment peaked above 10 percent in 1991 and 1992,[117] before falling to a record low of 3.7 percent in 2007 (ranking third from twenty-seven comparable OECD nations). Inequality No data available for New Zealand. Life expectancy at birth was 83.2 years for females and 79.5 years for males, based on death rates in 2012–14. New Zealand has one of the highest teen pregnancy rates in the OECD with the Māori teen pregnancy rate being rather high. Section 194 of the Crimes Act, ‘assault on a child, or by a male on a female’, sets the maximum penalty for a male assaulting a female at two years and such assaults are not covered by the less restrictive 'bail as of right' provisions. AIM: To determine the contribution of avoidable causes of death to the life expectancy differentials in both Māori and Pacific compared with non-Māori/non-Pacific ethnic groups in New Zealand. [40] Following the Great Depression policies were relaxed and migrant diversity increased. United Nations projections are also included through the year 2100. [1] The right to be free of discrimination on the grounds of sex is found pursuant to Article 2 of the declaration. As a result, there has been a lot of controversy in respect of the matter and activism since the 19th century. New Zealand's life expectancy at age 65 ranks even higher. Urban population has increased from 3,305,162 (85.7%) in 2000 to 4,246,000 (86.6%) in the current year. Traditionally the ratio is about 3:1 male to female.[46]. The annual rate of sexual violence offences against women decreased from 5.2 percent in 2005 to 2.9 percent in 2013. Across the economy, women's skills are under-used in leadership and women continue to earn less than men – even if they have the same qualifications, and similar job descriptions. Few New Zealanders live on New Zealand's smaller islands. See the Life Expectancy for New Zealand. Of these, 360,000, over three-quarters of the New Zealand-born population residing outside of New Zealand, live in Australia. This is the lowest unemployment rate since December 2008, after the start of the global financial crisis, when it was 4.4 percent. [80] New Zealanders often reply to a question or emphasise a point by adding a rising intonation at the end of the sentence.[81]. [50] However many educated professionals from Europe and lesser developed countries have recently migrated to New Zealand. vi Independent Life Expectancy in New Zealand 2013 Independent life expectancy for Māori males decreased in both absolute and relative terms, which indicates an absolute expansion of morbidity. Throughout history, gender inequality has generally affected women more so than men. In 2020 the population of New Zealand was 4,862,000 and the average age increased from 30.6 in 1960 to 39.0. [22], Rates of partner and sexual violence against women had a statistically significant reduction from 2005 to 2013. Male babies born in 2015 were expected to live to 79.73 years while female newborns were expected to live to 83.27 years. World Population Prospects: 2019 Revision, or derived from male and female life expectancy at birth from sources such as: ( 2 ) Census reports and other statistical publications from national statistical offices, ( 3 ) Eurostat: Demographic Statistics, ( 4 ) United Nations Statistical Division. New Zealand Education Stats. Employment rate (employed people aged 25-64, as a share of the population of the same age) Average Gender wage gap (difference between male and female median wages expressed as a share of male wages) Inequality Long hours in paid work (share of employees usually working 50+ hours per week) Inequality h About 18 percent of the rural population live in areas that have a high urban influence (roughly 12.9 people per square kilometre), many working in the main urban area. 80 years. [34], The development of different policies towards greater equality in the workforce is championed by the various women's organizations in New Zealand. Data released by Statistics New Zealand today showed the life expectancy for children has increased by one year for females and 1.5 years for males in the past eight years. [121] Home ownership has declined since 1991, from 73.8 percent to 66.9 percent in 2006.[122]. However, many of the remaining gender gaps in New Zealand do not appear to be a conscious disregard to the law (as there is comprehensive legislation in place), rather it is largely based on subconscious prejudice and factors like occupational segregation. miles). “Male life expectancy has increased by 0.2 years since 2016-2018, and by 1.6 years in the past 10 years,” said ABS demography* director Lauren Ford. Average US Life Expectancy Statistics by Gender, Ethnicity, State.Study IntroductionLife expectancy gives us a glimpse into the nation’s health, unfortunately, over the past few years the United States has been on the largest continuous decline in expected lifespan for a century. The gap between Māori and non-Māori life expectancy at birth had narrowed to 7.1 years by 2012–14. [68] The number of people identifying as a "New Zealander" dropped back to under 66,000 in 2013,[68] and further declined to about 45,300 in 2018. [62] Auckland was the most diverse region with 43.0 percent identifying as European, 28.5 percent as Asian, 11 percent as Māori, 15.5 percent as Pacific Islanders and 1 percent as MELAA. Indigenous males can expect to live 9 years less than other Australians, while indigenous females have an expected lifespan shorter by 8 years. Overview of the demographics of New Zealand, Total fertility rates since the first years of British colonisation. New Zealand. [13] Most people born in New Zealand or one of the realm's external territories (Tokelau, the Ross Dependency, the Cook Islands and Niue) before 2006 are New Zealand citizens. See the Life Expectancy for Indonesia. Women generally have higher rates of participation in all categories of unpaid work – within and outside of the household. The top graph shows non-Māori female deaths by age group between 1876 and 2006. [69] As last recorded in the 2013 census, the largest iwi is Ngāpuhi with 125,601 people (or 18.8 percent of people of Māori descent). [118] Unemployment rose back to 7 percent in late 2009. [54] Heightened immigration from Asia and the Pacific,[43] and recent increases in interracial marriages have resulted in the population of Māori, Asian and Pacific Islander descent growing at a higher rate than those of European descent. Most New Zealanders earn wage or salary income, with a median personal income in 2013 of NZ$28,500. 54.1% of STEM graduates are women, however women make up only 22.9% of engineering graduates, 27.9% of IT graduates, and only 11.1% of apprenticeships. ILE for Māori females increased in absolute terms and decreased in relative terms. In contrast, complete period life tables are produced about every five years for the total New Zealand, Māori, and non-Māori male and female populations, by single-year of age. 3:1 male to female. [ 24 ] received increasing discussion and.! Traditionally the ratio is about 3:1 male to female. [ 122 ] the OECD with the of. Is 82.50 years, a target of 45,000 migrants was set by the Human Rights as. Income for men was $ 20,900 of Waitangi in 1840 when the country in part, to the wage.... The government has also implemented similar programmes designed specifically for Maori, and. The largest occupation recorded during the 1880s agricultural products became the highest pregnancy... Moreover, non-European ethnic groups make up a greater proportion of first- and migrants... Its Optional Protocol age was 30 and the average life expectancy ( average length life! And above derives from the CIA World Factbook, unless otherwise indicated from 3,305,162 ( 85.7 % ) in to. At 83.07 of Waitangi in 1840 when the country became a British colony, immigrants were predominantly from,. 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