Drawing circles and writing down $$ amounts of how much money the ambot makes if he eats one Amway food bar and drinks one Amway drink daily and finds 2 others to do it and if they find 2 others to do what they do and so on and so on. 'We're buying a house in the Bayou Club. Well Amway is a pretend business so those ambots can pretend whatever title they want to be. They would be the first to do that since Brad and Julie Duncan went Founders Diamond. If you are so proud of your family's accomplishments, we'd like their names, please. Battling with the fucking assholes in the Amway upline who have brainwashed our husbands into misplaced love and worship at the Amway upline instead of at our families. Because even they know it won't add up. Amway Diamonds made only $150,000 a year in 2013? The only way to make money in Amway is selling tools like that book. I can feel it!". It's so funny that you all still think it's a scam and it doesn't work. PLEASE EXPLAIN ME THE ROYALTY INCOME OF 4% AND 10%, AND HOW IT COMES AND WILLABLE TO FUTURE FAMILY, PLZ ANY ONE WHO IS GETTING THIS EXPLAIN OR MAIL ME IT IN DETAIL. It is obvious that Anna is throwing his/her assumptions here and there and the only way he can evaluate Amway is by calling it names or using foul languages :D I believe you have better things to do with your life other than just sitting here replying everybody for more than a year Anna, let's not reply to me or anybody else and start to enjoy your life. People quit. Try again later. Tattoo & Body Art Expo. 5, The Truth About The Amway Global Opportunity. could you explain more about amway. If one is available please contact me. A couple years have passed since then and my business has outgrown their "dream" business ten fold and they are still slaving away, loosing friends, creating enemies and trying to recruit people who want to "live the dream." I hate them more than I ever hated anyone in my entire life for what they did to her. I get from the blog description that you are married to an Amway IBO,the question is are you still married to him despite the fact you hate what he is doing that much , I read your blogs and i cant seem to understand why are you hating that Amway cooperation that much , did they like rip you off and didn't give you what you paid for or was your husband so busy in it and did not give you much time , please elaborate more . According to your figures? Hehehe,I am about to go Diamond in only 3 years of hard work and dedication.How much I Love when skepticals turn out to be wrong :)Du, nu nu nu, nu nu, nu nu,Cant touch me. Plant your seeds now for future benefit. Osu? There is a word for what they do in the outside world. U get Best Prods. I'm going to bring your comments up in a future post because this is kind of old and readers might miss it. The system that's designed for failure. The Mona Vie Black Diamond apparently gave the impression that they had left Amway due to anger at Amway's request to sign the declaration. Did you get married? We're not out to squeeze you dry like Amway Ambots who are out to suck as much money out of you as they can.Good luck to you with all this. This is why the main "consumers" of Amway products are the "recruits". No one every enforced the 10 customer rule in order to get a commission from Amway. Thats how a brainwashed Amway asshole thinks. Surely they are on the tape list, right? Robert FitzPatrick again explains why 'MLM/Direct Selling' is a Big Lie. As you've figured out its just a big game of make belief. !I just want you to know that reading this piece was therapeutic for me, as I recently began to look back and wonder just what the fuck Amway did to my familyand what SCAMway is really about.Thanks again :). They invited me to a "marketing" conference, and told me some very successful "entrepreneurs" would be speaking. 2012. i am hiting 6% level.very fast i want to go diamond Thanks! Of course, it is "strictly voluntary" but it is understood that your uplines won't give you the time of day if you don't. Oh and seeing as how I'm not in Amway - of course life will be better down the road! THOUSANDS have spoken out over the years. Our sack of shit Platinum got fired from Amway a few years ago and took most of the downline with him. According to him the recruitment takes 7 steps and he'd like to meet me again tomorrow to complete another step. Not bad money, but the sales organizations sell a mammoth sized lie. i have joined amway business in the month of february Often, the perception that Amway diamond is wealthy is based on the income they earned in the year they qualified first. Funny. Do they get commission every time they get a new person to join? he tells us that we are to expect trials and suffering along the way. I find it hard to believe that there is a massive number of Amway folks doing that well. This money doesn't come from Amway so the company doesn't include it in their figures. Amway is all about living beyond your means, that's why they want you to look at buying Aaron Spelling's old mansion and having a fleet of luxury cars. So yeah be prepared for quite a ride because it's far from being easy living with an IBO.Osu. But of course it didn't. One reasn why the products are so expensive, is because there was a confrontation between the Devos/van Andels and the bigwig distributirs making money off the tools, and the latter threatened to leave and take their organizations with them, so the company had to accept that, and they had to raise their prices to offset it. But he does. Anonymous - fortunately you don't have what it takes to be an Amway Ambot so hope you're not losing too much money while you figure that out. Hi Anonymous. The diamonds I know built a house on their property for their parents. Their solution? Heck, who pays $10? Please check your. They will twist scripture and take it out of context to suit their agenda. Read it and try to get your ambot friend to read it too though he'll come up with all kinds of excuses. There is no charge to read this blog, leave a comment, there's nothing for sale here, and the bananas don't get money for participating here.People in Amway want to make money off you. Yes, a Diamond who follows the instructions, which includes having 10 RETAIL customers every month and builds that ethic into their downline could make $150 K per year. We dont moderate comments on weekends. You have a blog making fun of amway people when really you should look in mirror and judge yourself because people dont want to hear your pethetic little blogs.Your welcome. Ambots have to lie otherwise they can't scam prospects into coming to an Amway meeting. They were probably shocked as well. Then teach 3 people that could benefit from even only $200 extra per month on the side. Hell Ive never even had a call from a bill collector. Its more likely that everyone in the Amway meeting is broke. You decide whether or not to believe the assholes in your Amway upline or what Amway has in the small print of their own literature. $20+ for lip gloss?!!! "Everything is awesome", Put this into Google Translate and even it shrugged it's shoulders in confusion. I will back out of this deal most likely. That's why most people don't want anything to do with Amway. Wonder how the wwdb cult leaders explain how they took 5+ yrs to get a new diamond. They made no mention of her former life as an Amway Diamond. !That's one hell of night owl to be fired up from.Back in July I posted on this topic, 2 comments up. How do you have so much free time on your hands? Lies, double-speak, "fake it til you make it", tricks and bullshit to reel someone in and get them plugged into the "motivational" (brainwashing) system to make them "dream" instead of THINK and do the math. Working 7 days a week non stop. I am saying for myself, I was taught and have higher business ethics then Scamway.Living my own dream, Freddy. My Wife Mrs Laxmi Singh & I myself building this awesome unique opportunity with the help of our great LOS and world best proven system. Action is the key of success ,,, just take the action . Amway: The Untold Story Brig & Lita Hart vs. Amway et al. About Amway. Yup to the whiteboard and drawing circles on it. It helps others know they're not going through the Amway hell hole alone. (The list on Amway Wiki is very incomplete, David.) You are right on to the tee of your critical assessment of Amway. And they will rip you off with the books, tapes and functions. I knew a lot of ambots who were still living at home with mommy and daddy and bragging about how much money they were making in Scamway. I have a lot of ambots show up here and claim they have nothing to do with Amway and then bitch bitch bitch out comes the canned Amspeak.This is a blog, a diary based on personal experiences and opinion. All your answers can be found if you read some of the blog and we rerun posts so if you missed it the first, second, or third time, it'll be back eventually. We were told in the mid eighties they earned $100,000. Why to help middleman (Retailer-Whole Sellers-Dealers & Ad people) to be RICH? Um, not there yet. *As ranked by 2019 Direct Selling News Global 100, published in the June 2019 edition of Direct Selling News, based on 2018 revenues. Its a life changing opportunity. Further these are some other facts about Amway Diamonds: 1. Almost nobody finds success without a few major lapses in judgment along the way. I can just see Amway assholes reading this and throwing their arms up in the air and shrieking NO NO NO!!!! There may be lies that you can work for a few years and retire. Bootlegging tapes. A diamondship is made up of as least 6 platinums. Ambit ambot treky gamer softball ballet wrestling scandal housewives of any city MLB nurses doctors attorneys teachers bus drivers painters janitors housekeepers air force sergeants college drop outs home wreckers divorcies engineers police officers ceos bankers hobos toilet cleaners garbage men truck drivers golfers successful failures sanguine shy opinionated blind crippled old young retired teens cashiers chefs ushers couple singles homosexuals tourist pilots greeters cloth folders designers tech gurus architects painters carpenters candle makers sales men machine operators gymist personal trainers secretaries managers call center workers horse riders sailors fishers skiers dancers. You do seem bitter for some reason. Deduct business expenses say 50 k. Or more. (a) no, nothing like 1500000, you dont understand correctly (b) yes its hard work, if you can suggest a job or other casual business that allows you to bring in around $50000/yr in profit, part-time, within a coule of years, while simultaneously creating an income producing asset, then please share. The $10 commission from Amway isn't enough to save. The beachfront island resort offers vast ocean views and lively pools and lagoons in a setting for unforgettable adventure. I feel bad for the people on here saying that they "TRIED" to work it, that means they never actually put the work in. They built Amway on the belief that business ownership improves lives through personal achievement and the opportunity to earn income. And this is after quite a lot of truly hard work. Cya at my McDonald's Anna :p. Theo - OMG. Ive witnessed this my whole life. Hi anna. To warn everyone what people in Amway are really like. So, let's assume that his first year was his only "bad" year and the other two were good years. This product item already exists in the list. Thank to your rude comments id rather be apart of Amway, atleast they have respect, values and know how to talk to others like grown, mature people.Thank you for allowing me to see how being someone like you would be the worst decison of my life.Amway here I come! And yeah, it was weird and cult like "Tonight we get to watch Dave give the Plan!" The Amway I DONT GIVE A FUCK TRUCK ! Pay attention we got out of Scamway years ago. This is typical cult behavior. Diamonds don't make 150kthose are emeralds. If you have capital to build a business then do so help the economy and build something of your own. Public figures like politicians and actors and people known in Amway are probably OK the owners, Diamonds with CDs or who speak at functions, people in Amways publicity department who write press releases and blogs. They figure once they get the sucker there and get them in front of their Amway cult leader they'll want to sign up so they can spend more time with that bastard. See you're too nice. Commission from Amway of about $10/month.If you want free trips, get a job with an airline or enter contests to win a trip. Even if she only makes one sale a month she'd still be making more money than she would in Amway. It only suggests you could be if you work hard at it.If it only provides $1000 or 2000 per month extra, that should already be awesome. Sounds like all you need to do is keep doing what youre doing and help others to do the same! My wife is a brilliant artist who could flourish so well on her own making and selling small crafts but then "she'd be the system" and "everything would depend on her". At least Anna is working to persuade others NOT to embark on that journey to hell. They can't live an Amway Diamond millionaire lifestyle on only Amway income. I'm Kyle. Yup they all want to meet for coffee. Gossip that serves no purpose. Only the most aggressive liars and scammers make money. In a strange way the woman speaker is so wacko Amway no brain that I keep listening in disgust. I don't know if you've ever heard of world wide dream builders. They told me I could join Amway and if i dont like it I could leave within 90 days and get my money back.. i feel like thats a lie.. it has to be. Hence all the swearing in this blog! IBOs must be in compliance at all times with the Amway IBO Compensation Plan, Quality Assurance Standards and the IBO Rules of Conduct to keep their invitation to Amway incentive trips. They are sick bastards on so many levels. I'm amazed the Amway media machine isn't blowing this out their asses that this immigrant made it big in Amway and has bought millions of dollars worth of businesses, etc etc. F19 - you Amway "Christians" make the rest of the world sick. Making $10 commission after buying hundreds of dollars in overpriced shitty Amway products and investing in the Amway tool scam is not "making money". See, i don't love amway. Today, I want to share my list of the top 27 Amway Diamonds of all time, as I see it. I'm surprised some assholes in his Amway upline hasn't already counselled with him about the hairstyle choice because that's all those Amway bastards do in night owls is bitch at the ambots about what they drive, what they wear, and their hair style. All of the entries are great, but this one really can be a forefront entry. Free trips? I've got a friend in a nearby town that I can come over and visit. But if that's what you coasted on them holy balls, i understand your anger. But not all Diamonds are on the preferred speaking list so some diamonds earn more cash than others but a diamond could earn several thousand or tens of thousands more a year by this tool income. I can see how that would cost extra but is it viable in the market place. Show us your picture in Achieve Magazine, Diamond chaser. Find a way to make extra money and invest it.If you're inside the Amway cult, the cult leaders will tell you to "invest" you money back in Amway buying shitty overpriced products and investing in the tool scam.Normal people know to invest in real estate or stocks or classic cars or what have you. Then they get punished and told never question upline. How do you structure your work ? My emerald makes twice what you made as a diamond. Until the motivational tool scam is dealt with, Amway will not live up to its promise. How many IBOs have come in here claiming they know someone who makes "gazillions'? If your last name ain't Devos or VanAndel then you don't own an Amway business. Far from it. Until you feel Gods love, it may be hard to accept-Kyle. There is a link to a free ebook called Merchants of Deception. But like any pyramid based upon recruitment and not selling products to an outside customer base, the only folks who have any hope of making above breaking even are a very small percentage (less than 1% by Amway's own literature) and they do that on the backs of people are recruited in and lose money hand over fist while being bullshitted with "you gotta hang in there, success is just around the corner" and "you just aren't working hard enough", neither which is usually true. Following are the approximate percentages of U.S. registered IBOs who achieved the illustrated results in the calendar year 2021: Diamond Club 0.0271%; Diamond Select 0.0123%; By selecting cancel, the new IBO must complete the rest of the registration process, including payment. But disobedient Amway Ambots refuse to believe this information from what they would call a trusted source LOL LOL LOL and search online to find other answers. MLM: There ain't no light at the end of the tunnel! You have no time to waste!!!~Osuwariboy. Anonymous - you don't think Darnell its hilarious that many people have been financially and emotionally devastated by the Amway scam? But if you used something called math and factored in your tiny $10 commission check for $300 of product dumped into Amway (of which odds are is for self consumption) and how many people you'd need below you where you'd get a fraction of what they buy, you'd see that it takes hundreds in a downline to break even once all costs are factored in (including the brainwashing seminars and "tools" where the diamonds in reality get most of THEIR money from). Tell us which McD's and we'll be sure to come over and say hi. The scam comes in due to the lies ambots tell about the compensation and how they hide how much money you really have to spend each month in Amway, a lot of it on the tool scam. Accuracy? You never tell an Amway Ambot your dreams because they'll use it as a weapon against you at a later date like when you're planning to quit. You do all the work, make a few pennies commission on a sale, and everyone in your upline also makes commission off your hard work. Answer (1 of 9): Amway diamond income is made up of bonus and commissions paid by Amway and the income earned from BWW which produces Talks and organizes seminars. For the tiny percentage of ambots who make it it's probably not so nice an income because they have to pretend they're living an Amway diamond lifestyle on low 6 figures and going into debt to fool their downline how rich they are. There seems to be a lot of this going around lately. A $10 bonus check means nothing if they paid out several hundred to get it. Regarding the percentage of Alticors revenue that comes from Amway, a few years back (dont have a link handy sorry), the media reported Alticors non-Amway holdings as doing around $100 million. Over 4000 attended. The speakers were probably diamonds or equivalent, and they had a story about how their lives are great now, with all this leisure time. Posting something creepy anonymously and we cant track your location because youre on a mobile device or using hide my ass or some other proxy. Or tickets to hear a cult leader speak. I'd like to hear what the Diamonds have to say about that at one of those stupid, greed-driven WWDB functions. Diamond Select: February 1-3, 2023. 10 years isnt a long time to ask for when you can secure your future. Restaurants are Scams! Your post highlights the problems with doing maths based on poor knowledge or false assumptions. The current page will be reloaded with this account info. Those XS come in a case depending on the flavor costs $30 or $40, so close to $5 a can. 95% quit (Amway's figures) within 2 years of signing up. I feel almost certain that it is a pyramid scheme that has only existed through a legal loophole (selling products)A guy i know is currently trying to get me to join Amway.. now my question is why these people are so focused on gaining more downlines when it seems they could make good profit just by selling products at markup. , Freddy not live up to its promise explains why 'MLM/Direct selling ' is a business! A commission from Amway so the company does n't come from Amway isn & # x27 ; re a! To believe that there is a link to a `` marketing '' conference, and told never upline. Achievement and the other two were good years to believe that there is a word for what do! First to do with Amway again explains why 'MLM/Direct selling ' is a pretend business so those ambots can whatever! That we are to expect trials and suffering along the way if your last ai! The wwdb cult leaders explain how they took 5+ yrs to get a commission from Amway that his first was. 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