Who's going to do this powerful piece of science. What he means is that when nitrogen atoms are just free floating in the air, they will cling to each other. Scattered One dead dad. A liquid. We'll basically bring it to the front, and when the wind is right, we'll just spray it. Test the outer edges of what you think you know, Copyright 2019 New York Public Radio. Yeah, necrophilia. This is what totally pulled me into this story, the prods. Visit our website. Yes, it's awesome, thank you, Ben. All right. They will spare his son if he fesses up and- and tells them what they need to know. Thousands of people have done it before you. The killer seems to have placed the bodies as if they were mannequins. Um, with a black belt in karate. Hey this is Jad, RadioLab is supported by IBM. They spent the next six months interrogating him. In graphic detail. Now we're seeing about 100 million tons of synthetic fertilizer produced industrially each year. He figured maybe one percent of these men would keep flicking the switches, up to the highest voltage. That's where they're heading towards. And, like, it kind of, like, hurt his feelings. So, you ask like, why do people do bad things? That's one of the things that we- that we need to know. In a lab at Yale University with a bunch of regular Americans. He wrote this graphic novel that I read about one of the most prolific serial killers in US history. With AI, blockchain, and quantum technology, IBM is developing smart, scalable technologies that help businesses work better together. And according to some accounts, as it crept across no man's land-. Haber starts thinking, in order to do this we need to, uh, pressure this. Continuing using the last switch on the board please. Mm-hmm (affirmative). This is basically what Stanley Milgram set out to test. Even past when they were screaming in pain. It's called Too Much Information. But I mean, he's up to 195 volts. He seemed calm. Up until that point, Gary refused to say, "That from the minute I picked these women up, I wanted to kill them." Come over now.". "You know, you're not the first person that's ever done this.". This actually brings us to our first top of the hour, so just to set it up, Robert, I'm going to give you this piece of paper here. Despite the chlorine gas. Thanks. With all of the black-and-white moralizing in our world today, we decided to bring back an old show about the little bit of bad that's in all of usand the little bit of really,reallybad that's in some of us. He brings her up as an example of a- of a woman that he actually had strong feelings for. And give up the few details that they really needed to link him, certifiably, to all these crimes. You literally get a drip, drip, drip, of ammonia. And give up the few details that they really needed to link him certifiably to all his crimes. It immediately became apparent that there was going to be difficulties. There's lots and lots of lessons here, but one is I think when you're enjoying to do something for the greater good, maybe ask yourself the question, "What is greater, and what is good?". He goes straight to the German [inaudible 00:36:56] and- and he pitches this idea. "I need to kill because of that." He's bald. I got it in front of me, I've just got the data from the Milgram study. I'm not going to give you- I'm- I'm not going to help restore the sense that there is a moral order to the world and a moral norm. He's a man adrift. And maybe forces hydrogen in the tank. That's Stanley Milgram talking about the experiment in a film in case you've never heard of this. And you like her. And in the trial, when the prosecutors, essentially, ask him how you came to commit genocide he would say, over and over again-. Go. Wasn't satisfying me, it made me mad that she was very much in a hurry, she had something else on her mind, and I killed her. Zyklon A, which was originally just a pesticide-. connect it to this little electrode to your finger. Any time the experimenter said, "You must continue" the shocker would say, "Hell no, I don't.". Our- our friend. And she said, "My ex-boyfriend. Times. He won't answer me or nothing. Um, although there's some (laughs) [crosstalk 00:02:19]. That's what we're heading towards. Before the guy is cut to shreds, he's allowed to confess, "I heartily regret the fact that I killed the young maiden or defamed the king." Would you really think that this guy's a good guy? God, I feel like we haven't, you and I sat together and said our names in quite some time. I dated her several times a year. Could you just tell me the little story that you begin your book with? with Lulu Miller, and Latif Nasser. Whether it was feeding, or killing, or-, And he does. His calculations showed that it couldn't be done. He's standing there on the front pushing the gas into the lungs of other human beings. Although, clearly, on some level they know it isn't. That's Fritz Haber's wife. You're bad. Next, we meet a man who scrambles our notions of good and evil: chemist Fritz Haber, who won a Nobel Prize in 1918around the same time officials in the US were calling him a war criminal. So, you see, it's just in that one experiment that 65% of people are willing to go all the way. He would have each subject sit down at a table. Iago. And so, uh, when I went to the party, the party was already in full swing when I got there. And he believed it. And she said, "My ex boyfriend. You know, he's a man adrift. Yeah. Any idea what the hell he was intending? Yeah, but those are fantasies, they're some of them actually seem like-, Okay, this is a 20 year old female. However, that leaves behind 20 million Germans. I'm starting to feel a little bit better about my fellow man. I knew she had a daughter and-. You're bad." ", Now you're saying actually that you could read that very dark fact as being actually evidence of something quite-, Well if you dressed up, and if you just had some minor variance to the paradigm you could, presumably, make this up. In 1962, Stanley Milgram shocked the world with his study on obedience. So, the subject seemed willing to shock another human being, but as soon as you say it's an order. He works for a general. What does it actually mean to be bad anyways? I'm not going to go ahead with it. And why I cared for her because I dated her before, but this day didn't turn out right. Would change where the shocker and the shock-ee sat. "It's okay to admit this, you need to admit this.". Three times a year, two times before-. Yes. She was actually a sort of a genius herself. Radiolab. Okay. He could have never imagined that. We have kids in the- in the room. Then you're kind of done with them. Maria Matasar-Padilla is our managing director. He'll be our guide for the segment. Because the thing that you put into the ground to grow more food is also the thing you can explode to make a bomb? That's one of the things we have to know, and that's why it's okay to let it out. Meaning, I mean, what- what- any idea what was in his mind? "Have you ever thought about killing someone?" Is an absolute order. The subjects are 40 males between the ages of 20 and 50. The thing is that I do have a new boyfriend, but my ex boyfriend doesn't know that- that yet, and I'm terrified that he'll do what he says. Of course, normally you just have one experimenter who's giving you these instructions. You're going to keep giving what? Time's up. Jeff Jensen's book is The Green River Killer, A True Detective Story. And I designed a little, um, questionnaire where I simply ask the students, you know, "Have you ever thought about killing someone?" in what is basically like the Baghdad of his time (laughing). I'll give you bad. James Shapiro, professor of English at Columbia University. The Bad Show Publication date Mon, 09 Jan 2012 05:00:00 +0000 We wrestle with the dark side of human nature, and ask whether it's something we can ever really understand, or fully escape. And says, "This is intolerable. Making him the most prolific serial killer in American history. Terms and conditions apply. Bald on top. Radiolab is supported, in part, by the National Science Foundation, and by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, enhancing public understanding of science, technology in the modern world. ", Yes I did need to kill. So to speak. And as it happens, my father has very vivid memories of investigating the Carol Christensen murder. And at the very end of the play when everyone finds out what Iago's done, Othello asks him, "Why? And while David's sitting in the bedroom with this friend, the guy looks up at him, and he says-, Like through his teeth, "I'm going to kill her.". Nice sky? ", "Even- even when their sorrows almost were forgot. Because, ultimately, the play offers up a reason for his nastiness. Telling a friend he felt like he'd lost his homeland. Oh, that right there, slap some quotations around that. Which was sort of asking these questions like, "What makes a person inherently good or bad? And it's moving in about one meter per second. He's working with chemicals. No one has a monopoly on bad. The guy yelling, of course, was an actor, and the shocks weren't real. I'm gonna-. And so, we've decided that it's time to go back to something we did once upon a time when we were wondering about good and bad. Warning. You better check in on him, sir. Pat, go ahead. She was actually, uh, sort of a genius herself. Really, that story's been told a million and one times for the last 50 years, we've just got to get over it. Each answer just begs another why. I got to tell you, I'm not totally comfortable that you're providing all of the information [inaudible 00:57:52]-. And Iago-, He refuses what we fully expect, and what everybody on stage, at that moment, fully expects from him. To feed about 30 million people. Did members of Haber's family die in the concentration camp? It just that-, Yeah. I might even tilt towards saying he's a little good to be honest. He was in this state of fury, he said, and instead of hitting his wife, he smashed his fist into the bathroom mirror, and then realized that he had to leave the house, or he was going to do damage to her. Wow. And that tonnages then moves into our food source, our food source then moves into our bodies, and the rough statistics are that half of each of our bodies contains nitrogen from the Haber process. 35.3M . Oft have I digged up dead men from their graves and set them upright at their dear friend's door. Why did you do this?" Takes away his wife, his children, all his material possessions. Only then does God speak up and kind of say, like, "You're gonna question me?" This is Jeff Jensen, and he's a reporter in LA. Haber's gas troops, unscrew, they open the valves on almost 6,000 tanks, containing 150 tons of chlorine. (beep) God. He is- he wants to feed- he wants to feed Germany. Then you left some space at the bottom for them to elaborate if they said, "Yes. Well,the experiment requires that you continue. Very distinctive looking man, bald on top, trim nice mustache, wore a little [pince-nez 00:28:20]. You're going to keep giving him what, 450 volts every shot now? That's one of the things that we need to know. We encounter a man who scrambles our notions of good and evil, turn to one of the most famous (and misunderstood) psychology experiments ever, talk to a man who chased one of the most prolific . This was one of the bloodiest arenas on the, uh, Western front. Yeah, I don't think we quite [crosstalk 00:49:32]. And you know there's nothing a closet full of clothes to help balance that out. And why is it so important, do you think, to understand the why behind such an evil act? And what he means is that when nitrogen atoms are just free floating in the air, they will cling to each other. Okay, we're going off tape now. We will begin with this test-. People like director Sam Mendez, musicians Jean Batiste, and Wynton Marsalis, Call Your Girlfriends [inaudible 00:27:12], and our very own Alec Baldwin. I killed her. They were gagging, they were choking. And did you go back to the party then and continue dinner partying for a while? We take a look at one particular fantasy lurking behind these numbers, and wonder what this shadow world might tell us about ourselves and our neighbors. What kind of tech company does the world need today? Visit casper.com/radiolab and use code radiolab and check out to get $50 towards select mattresses. He could do anything. She was one of the first women to earn a PhD in her country. James Shapiro, Professor of English at Columbia University. Let me- let me jump just, uh, a quote in front of me. There's a sort of chilling comparison which is a speech that Himmler gave to some SS leaders when they were about to commit a range of atrocities. "I'm willing to help in a worthwhile experiment.". Each answer just begs another why. You walk into the room, what do you find? And, you know, it's a craft, but it's a craft with consequences. These little nitrogen atoms will fiercely hold together and it's almost impossible to pry them apart. If any sizeable fraction actually acted on their homicidal fantasies, the streets would be running- running red. With my arm. He could have never imagined that. No. New York Public Radio transcripts are created on a rush deadline, often by contractors. Walked in and asked his wife where this friend of mine was, and she got a disgusted look on her face, and said that he was up in the bedroom. Now, that right there, slap some quotations around that. But the weird thing is that he decides not just to take down Othello, but everybody. Humans. Just give me your finger, [crosstalk 00:09:28] I'm going to-. And it gets even more disturbing for my father as the conversation suddenly pivots to another victim. Well, the thing that haunts me about the why question that I'm reminded of one of the oldest stories in the Bible, which is the story of Job. Thanks also to reporter Aaron Scott for that story. He takes over leadership of this institute in Berlin, and he starts hobnobbing with a whole different level of society. If this is the singular moment in Shakespeare where he gives you an un-understandably evil man, no motives, no reason; any idea what the hell he was intending? But that's just a- those are fantasies. If any sizable fraction actually acted on their homicidal fantasies, the streets would be running red. I thought about grabbing a knife quickly and stabbing him in the chest repeatedly until he was dead. How many of them went into that kind of detail? But this is why this is such an interesting guy, around the same time, officials in the U.S. government are calling him a war criminal. We've got to know now. Like, he didn't intend for that to happen. Why did you take these women off the streets and want to destroy them? Terms and conditions apply. This is Radiolab and today we're talking about Well, we're trying to think about what goes on in the mind of a bad person. What makes a bad person so bad that he's different from the rest of us? No, because if you couldn't afford a ticket for a play, you'd seen all the plays, in the 1500s, you could always go to a public hanging. Hmm. 10s, 10, 15, 20 times. Yeah. And is found by her son. And you've done this how many times before. Episode Discussion: The Bad Show. "From this time forth, I never will speak a word." The questionnaires they filled out are part of the Milgram archive at Yale. And I think what we want out of the why is meaning, meaning to life to reveal itself in a way that restores order and give us hope that all of this isn't just meaningless chaos. In 2016, Abumrad took a four-month break from Radiolab, in large part to recharge from what he's described as burnout from the years of making the show in his distinctly intense and very. If you think that science is worth pursuing, you say, "Okay. Well, we'll have to discontinue the experiment then. David had always known this guy to be pretty mild mannered. Wasn't satisfied [inaudible 01:01:21] maybe mad 'cause she was very much in a hurry. And there behind the German lines is-. Nobody had done what she was about to do on the scale that he was about to do it. In that, "Why?" And then he just trails off. Radiolab is supported by Audible. Read these words. These little nitrogen atoms will fiercely hold together, and it's almost impossible to pry them apart. I don't think I've ever had a fantasy that- that anatomically specific where I would see the part of the other person that I was going to stab or plan it like that. It's absolutely essential that you continue. So, as we begin this episode of the Bad Show, check out The Blank Slate by Steven Pinkner, one of the world's leading experts on language and the mind. Clara, also from Breslau, also from a Jewish family. We asked, "Who do you think about killing?" I mean, that's a pretty heady thing for, you know, a Jewish kid from Breslau to be hobnobbing with the Emperor and cabinet ministers. Like, how do you tell the real baddies from the rest of us? So these are some word pairs. "Do you think that more studies of this sort should be carried out?" [crosstalk 00:17:42], It's the experimenter-. And when hydrogen and nitrogen bond together, the thing you get-. He gets promoted to the rank of captain-. Okay. He would deny things, he would obscure, he would dance around things. Maybe it's all about doubt in the end. The participants that are there in this study-. Then the executioner castrates you, cuts you open, and takes out your internal organs, and then separate your head; which is put on a post. This is Radiolab and today we're going to get bad. Hi I'm Robert Krulwich. Many of them after they were murdered. He recruited a bunch of subjects-. Accuracy and availability may vary. And not just yeses. The use of it, he couldn't have imagined. Radiolab is supported by Audible. And as it happens, my father has very vivid memories of investigating the Carol Christensen murder. So in the end, where do you come down? Yet you go into this anyway, knowing full well that it could-, "That is true. He felt publicly humiliated. Okay, so what happened to David that night with his friend got him really curious about murder, and badness, and all these things we're thinking about. Right? That's it? It's a graphic or an illustrated novel. He is a soldier. And he goes home for a few days a hero. You know, what does he say? And he is basically homeless at this point. And what happens is that your elbowing the nitrogen apart from itself, and then forcing it to bond with the hydrogen in a new way. Is that like a- like a green cloud? A lot of people were beginning to worry that with about a billion and a half people in the planet at that point, that maybe we were maxing out. Give me two more minutes. And they would circle yes or no. And I designed a little questionnaire where I simply asked the students, "Have you ever thought about killing someone?" Podcasts; . Is that- is that nitrogen is trivalent. They're engaged with the task. Listen to free wherever you go to podcast and sign up at openearsproject.org. Now, admittedly it's a war, but still. Just push the button that corresponds to the right word. This episode was produced with help from Carter Hodge. I- I know it was more than [inaudible 00:59:44]. And my father wasn't buying it. Even when their sorrows almost were forgot, and on their skins is on the bark of trees, have written my life with my knife carved in Roman letters. Warning. So, who is- who is this guy right here? I would say in a powerful mood; we're close to some really fundamental truths about human nature. And, you know, my view about human nature is that it affords infinite potential for lightness and dark. His was the first generation when a young Jewish boy could truly imagine that he could just be a regular part of that society. Literally disappeared for six months and didn't tell anyone where she was because she was terrified that he was going to kill her. This is RadioLab. So he decided he was going to invent a process to pay for these reparations by himself. But in a famous incident, one of England's leading scientists refuses to shake his hand. I got to tell you, um, I'm not totally comfortable that you are providing all the information about-. But if they were prepared to do that, when I suspect a lot of them would, then we'd say, "These are people who really believe in science, and isn't this a good thing that we have people in our society, who are willing to make sacrifices-. Shoots herself in the chest, and is found by her son. Does he- is he saying what I think he's saying? For much the same reasons. That one simple, "Why?" This is a 20 year old female. There's something deeply, deeply wounding, stressing, upsetting at the thought that he had anything to do with zyklon B; but he did. I mean, yes, I did lie about that. And shortly after his return, Clara allegedly confronts him and says, "Look, you are morally bankrupt. Is there a way to explain why some people act the way they do and others don't?". Check out the Casper or the Wave mattress providing supportive comfort for every body type. And it gets even more disturbing for my father as the conversation suddenly pivots to another victim. [inaudible 01:00:01] is I- I went back one time before [inaudible 01:00:05] that I, uh, like I said, I got to get it out. I-. And they ask for it to be reformulated to take out the warning smell, and it becomes zyklon B, the killing gas of the concentration camps. Gary starts going through this narrative of what he did to Carol. They reach back to the shelf and they find this zyklon stuff. Speaking with Carol's mom, Carol's little daughter. The most common source of nitrogen is in the air around us. And even when they do say yes, even when they go along with the experiment, as you can see in the film. Yellow mucus was frothing out of their mouths. So in the Milgram case. And you have a number of chemical reactions. It's all right. And then, it was several hours later in the middle of the night that I got the call. (laughs). All rights reserved. My name's Benjamin Walker and here are some RadioLab credits. Hi, this is Lauren from Winnipeg. 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