As such, it is an attractive target for hacker attacks and should receive corresponding protections. You have configured the SLD at the Java-stack of the SolMan system, using the RFC Gateway of the SolMans ABAP-stack. SMGW-->Goto -->External Functions --> External Security --> Maintenance of ACL files --> pop-up is shown as below: "Gateway content and file content for reginfo do not match starting with index <xx>" (xx is the index value shown in the . The simulation mode is a feature which could help to initially create the ACLs. Datenbankschicht: In der Datenbank, welche auf einem Datenbankserver liegt, werden alle Daten eines Unternehmens gesichert. Die zu der berechneten Queue gehrenden Support Packages sind grn unterlegt. Please note: One should be aware that starting a program using the RFC Gateway is an interactive task. 1408081 - Basic settings for reg_info and sec_info 1702229 - Precalculation: Specify Program ID in sec_info and reg_info. USER=mueller, HOST=hw1414, TP=test: The user mueller can execute the test program on the host hw1414. The reginfo file have ACLs (rules) related to the registration of external programs (systems) to the local SAP instance. If the TP name has been specified without wild cards, you can specify the number of registrations allowed here. After reloading the file, it is necessary to de-register all registrations of the affected program, and re-register it again. Program foo is only allowed to be used by hosts from domain * However, there is no need to define an explicit Deny all rule, as this is already implied (except in simulation mode). This page contains information about the RFC Gateway ACLs (reginfo and secinfo files), the Simulation Mode, as well as the workflow showing how the RFC Gateway works with regards to the ACLs versus the Simulation Mode. See the examples in the note1592493; 2)It is possible to change the rules in the files and reload its configuration without restart the RFC Gateway: open the transaction SMGW -> Goto -> expert functions -> external security -> reload However, in such situation, it is mandatory to de-register the registered program involved and reregister it again because programs already registered will continue following the old rules; 3)The rules in the secinfo and reginfo file do not always use the same syntax, it depends of the VERSION defined in the file. The local gateway where the program is registered always has access. When using SNC to secure logon for RFC Clients or Registered Server Programs the so called SNC User ACL, also known as User Authentication, is introduced and must be maintained accordingly. To control the cancellation of registered programs, a cancel list can be defined for each entry (same as for the ACCESS list). Example Example 1: secinfo und reginfo Generator anfordern Mglichkeit 1: Restriktives Vorgehen Fr den Fall des restriktiven Lsungsansatzes werden zunchst nur systeminterne Programme erlaubt. The default rule in prxyinfo ACL (as mentioned in part 4) is enabled if no custom ACL is defined. Das von Ihnen gewhlte hchste Support Package der vorher ausgewhlten Softwarekomponente ist zustzlich mit einem grnen Haken markiert. The parameter is gw/logging, see note 910919. In an ideal world each program alias of the relevant Registered Server Programs would be listed in a separate rule, even for registering program aliases from one of the hosts of internal. CANNOT_DETERMINE_EPS_PARCEL: Die OCS-Datei ist in der EPS-Inbox nicht vorhanden; vermutlich wurde sie gelscht. Read more. The location of this ACL can be defined by parameter gw/acl_info. In case you dont want to use the keyword, each instance would need a specific rule. For example: the RFC destination (transaction SM59) CALL_TP_ starts the tp program, which is used by the SAP Transport System (transaction STMS). To assign the new settings to the registered programs too (if they have been changed at all), the servers must first be deregistered and then registered again. The reginfo file have ACLs (rules) related to the registration of external programs (systems) to the local SAP instance. This is because the rules used are from the Gateway process of the local instance. The secinfo file has rules related to the start of programs by the local SAP instance. BC-CST-GW , Gateway/CPIC , BC-NET , Network Infrastructure , Problem . open transaction SMGW -> Goto -> expert functions -> Display secinfo/reginfo Green means OK, yellow warning, red incorrect. You must keep precisely to the syntax of the files, which is described below. The RFC Gateway act as an RFC Server which enables RFC function modules to be used by RFC clients. The RFC Gateway can be seen as a communication middleware. When editing these ACLs we always have to think from the perspective of each RFC Gateway to which the ACLs are applied to. Despite this, system interfaces are often left out when securing IT systems. Falls Sie danach noch immer keine Anwendungen / Registerkarten sehen, liegt es daran, dass der Gruppe / dem Benutzer das allgemeine Anzeigenrecht auf der obersten Ebene der jeweiligen Registerkarte fehlt. It is common and recommended by many resources to define the following rule in a custom prxyinfo ACL: With this, all requests from the local system, as well as all application servers of the same system, will be proxied by the RFC Gateway to any destination or end point. A LINE with a HOST entry having multiple host names (e.g. In the gateway monitor (SMGW) choose Goto Logged On Clients , use the cursor to select the registered program, and choose Goto Logged On Clients Delete Client . This diagram shows all use-cases except `Proxy to other RFC Gateways. It is important to mention that the Simulation Mode applies to the registration action only. TP is a mandatory field in the secinfo and reginfo files. The keyword internal means all servers that are part of this SAP system (in this case, the SolMan system). As we learnt before the reginfo and secinfo are defining rules for very different use-cases, so they are not related. Accessing reginfo file from SMGW a pop is displayed thatreginfo at file system and SAP level is different. The first line of the reginfo/secinfo files must be # VERSION = 2. All other programs starting with cpict4 are allowed to be started (on every host and by every user). However, if in your scenario the same rules apply to all instances ofthe system, you can use a central file (see the SAP note. So lets shine a light on security. HOST = servername, 10. Benign programs to be started by the local RFC Gateway of a SAP NetWeaver AS ABAP are typically part of the SAP Kernel and located in the $(DIR_EXE) of the application server. To mitigate this we should look if it is generated using a fixed prefix and use this as a pattern with an ending wildcard in order to reduce the effective values, e.g., TP=Trex__*, which would still be better than TP=*`. The first letter of the rule can begin with either P (permit) or D (deny). The reginfo file is holding rules controlling which remote servers (based on their hostname/ip-address) are allowed to either register, access or cancel which 'Registered Server Programs' (based on their program alias (also known as 'TP name')). P TP=* USER=* USER-HOST=internal HOST=internal. Darber hinaus stellt die dauerhafte manuelle Freischaltung einzelner Verbindungen einen stndigen Arbeitsaufwand dar. Whrend der Freischaltung aller Verbindungen wird mit dem Gateway-Logging eine Aufzeichnung aller externen Programmaufrufe und Systemregistrierungen vorgenommen. TP is restricted to 64 non-Unicode characters for both secinfo and reginfo files. If you set it to zero (highlynotrecommended), the rules in the reginfo/secinfo/proxy info files will still be applied. If this addition is missing, any number of servers with the same ID are allowed to log on. Part 8: OS command execution using sapxpg. While it was recommended by some resources to define a deny all rule at the end of reginfo, secinfo ACL this is not necessary. Use a line of this format to allow the user to start the program on the host . In some cases any application server of the same system may also need to de-register a Registered Server Program, for example if the reginfo ACL was adjusted for the same Registered Server Program or if the remote server crashed. ABAP SAP Basis Release as from 7.40 . This can be replaced by the keyword "internal" (see examples below, at the "reginfo" section). As a result many SAP systems lack for example of proper defined ACLs to prevent malicious use. There are two different versions of the syntax for both files: Syntax version 1 does not enable programs to be explicitly forbidden from being started or registered. E.g "RegInfo" file entry, P TP=BIPREC* USER=* HOST=* NO=1 CANCEL=* ACCESS=* To edit the security files,you have to use an editor at operating system level. It is configured to start the tax calculation program at the CI of the SAP system, as the tax system is installed only there. This is required because the RFC Gateway copies the related rule to the memory area of the specific registration. The reginfo file has the following syntax. Here are some examples: At the application server #1, with hostname appsrv1: At the application server #2, with hostname appsrv2: The SAP KBA2145145has a video illustrating how the secinfo rules work. Help with the understanding of the RFC Gateway ACLs (Access Control Lists) and the Simulation Mode, in order to help prepare production systems to have these security features enabled without disruptions. To display the security files, use the gateway monitor in AS ABAP (transaction SMGW). Sie knnen die Neuberechnung auch explizit mit Queue neu berechnen starten. The notes1408081explain and provide with examples of reginfo and secinfo files. There are three places where we can find an RFC Gateway: The RFC Gateway is by default reachable via the services sapgw and sapgws which can be mapped to the ports 33 and 48. It is common to define this rule also in a custom reginfo file as the last rule. Host Name (HOST=, ACCESS= and/or CANCEL=): The wildcard character * stands for any host name, * for a domain, sapprod for host sapprod. This would cause "odd behaviors" with regards to the particular RFC destination. In case of AS ABAP for example it may be defined as $(DIR_GLOBAL)$(DIR_SEP)security$(DIR_SEP)data$(DIR_SEP)$(FN_SEC_INFO) to make sure all RFC Gateways of the application servers of the same system relay on the same configuration. Access to this ports is typically restricted on network level. Bei groen Systemlandschaften ist dieses Verfahren sehr aufwndig. Every attribute should be maintained as specific as possible. You have already reloaded the reginfo file. In SAP NetWeaver Application Server ABAP: Every Application Server has a built-in RFC Gateway. Support Packages fr eine ausgewhlte Komponente werden entsprechend ihrer Reihenfolge in die Queue gestellt. For AS ABAP the ACLs should be maintained using the built-in ACL file editor of transaction SMGW (Goto Expert Functions External Security Maintain ACL Files). Darber hinaus stellt die dauerhafte manuelle Freischaltung einzelner Verbindungen einen stndigen Arbeitsaufwand dar. Terms of use | As a result many SAP systems lack for example of proper defined ACLs to prevent malicious use. For a RFC Gateway of AS Java or a stand-alone RFC Gateway this can be determined with the command-line tool gwmon by running the command gwmon nr= pf= then going to the menu by typing m and displaying the client table by typing 3. With this rule applied for example any user with permissions to create or edit TCP/IP connections in transaction SM59 would be able to call any executable or script at OS level on the RFC Gateway server in the context of the user running the RFC gateway process. IP Addresses (HOST=, ACCESS= and/or CANCEL=): You can use IP addresses instead of host names. Please note: SNC User ACL is not a feature of the RFC Gateway itself. Sobald dieses Recht vergeben wurde, taucht die Registerkarte auch auf der CMC-Startseite wieder auf. Program cpict4 is allowed to be registered by any host. Wir untersttzen Sie gerne bei Ihrer Entscheidungen. Please note: The proxying RFC Gateway will additionally check its reginfo and secinfo ACL if the request is permitted. Another mitigation would be to switch the internal server communication to TLS using a so-called systemPKI by setting the profile parameter system/secure_communication = ON. As i suspect it should have been registered from Reginfo file rather than OS. (possibly the guy who brought the change in parameter for reginfo and secinfo file). Here, the Gateway is used for RFC/JCo connections to other systems. Should a cyberattack occur, this will give the perpetrators direct access to your sensitive SAP systems. In diesem Blog-Beitrag werden zwei von SAP empfohlene Vorgehensweisen zur Erstellung der secinfo und reginfo Dateien aufgefhrt mit denen die Security Ihres SAP Gateways verstrkt wird und wie der Generator dabei hilft. The Gateway uses the rules in the same order in which they are displayed in the file. Please make sure you have read part 1 4 of this series. Part 7: Secure communication The related program alias can be found in column TP Name: We can verify if the functionality of these Registered RFC Server programs is accessible from the AS ABAP by looking for a TCP/IP connection in transaction SM59 with Technical Settings Activation Type = Registered Server Program the corresponding Program ID and either no Gateway Options or connection details to any of the RFC Gateways belonging to the same system set: Please note: If the AS ABAP system has more than one application servers and therefore also more than one RFC Gateways there may be scenarios in which the Registered Server Program is registered at one specific RFC Gateway only. gw/acl_mode: this parameter controls the value of the default internal rules that the RFC Gateway will use, in case the reginfo/secinfo file is not maintained. Common examples are the program tp for transport management via STMS started on the RFC Gateway host of AS ABAP or the program gnetx.exe for the graphical screen painter started on the SAP GUI client host. In this case the Gateway Options must point to exactly this RFC Gateway host. For example: the system has the CI (hostname sapci) and two application instances (hostnames appsrv1 and appsrv2). Very good post. This section contains information about the RFC Gateway ACLs, and examples of landscapes and rules.The reginfo file have ACLs (rules) related to the registration of external programs (systems) to the local SAP instance. Examples of valid addresses are: Number (NO=): Number between 0 and 65535. The related program alias also known as TP Name is used to register a program at the RFC Gateway. Hufig ist man verpflichtet eine Migration durchzufhren. Only clients from domain * are allowed to communicate with this registered program (and the local application server too). Each instance can have its own security files with its own rules. From my experience the RFC Gateway security is for many SAP Administrators still a not well understood topic. The Stand-alone RFC Gateway: As a dedicated RFC Gateway serving for various RFC clients or as an additional component which may be used to extend a SAP NW AS ABAP or AS Java system. Please note: In most cases the registered program name differs from the actual name of the executable program on OS level. The reginfo file is holding rules controlling which remote servers (based on their hostname/ip-address) are allowed to either register, access or cancel which Registered Server Programs (based on their program alias (also known as TP name)). To use all capabilities it is necessary to set the profile parameter gw/reg_no_conn_info = 255. Furthermore the means of some syntax and security checks have been changed or even fixed over time. In diesem Blog-Beitrag werden zwei von SAP empfohlene Vorgehensweisen zur Erstellung der secinfo und reginfo Dateien aufgefhrt mit denen die Security Ihres SAP Gateways verstrkt wird und wie der Generator dabei hilft. Program cpict2 is allowed to be registered, but can only be run and stopped on the local host or hostld8060. Firstly review what is the security level enabled in the instance as per the configuration of parameter gw/reg_no_conn_info. secinfo und reginfo Generator anfordern Mglichkeit 1: Restriktives Vorgehen Fr den Fall des restriktiven . In addition, the RFC Gateway logging (see the SAP note910919) can be used to log that an external program was registered, but no Permit rule existed. Dieses Verfahren ist zwar sehr restriktiv, was fr die Sicherheit spricht, hat jedoch den sehr groen Nachteil, dass in der Erstellungsphase immer Verbindungen blockiert werden, die eigentlich erwnscht sind. The location of the reginfo ACL file is specified by the profile parameter gw/reg_info. Please assist ASAP. The order of the remaining entries is of no importance. This means the call of a program is always waiting for an answer before it times out. Please note: The wildcard * is per se supported at the end of a string only. It might be needed to add additional servers from other systems (for an SLD program SLD_UC, SLD_NUC, for example).CANCEL is usually a list with all SAP servers from this system (or the keyword "internal"), and also the same servers as in HOSTS (as you must allow the program to de-register itself).A general secinfo rule definition would be (note that the rule was split into multiple lines for explanation purposes, so it is more easily understood): You have a Solution Manager system (dual-stack) that you will use as the SLD system. Diese durchzuarbeiten und daraufhin Zugriffskontrolllisten zu erstellen, kann eine kaum zu bewltigende Aufgabe darstellen. About the second comment and the error messages, those are messages related to DNS lookup.I believe that these are raised as errors because they have occurred during the parsing of the reginfo file. This parameter will enable special settings that should be controlled in the configuration of reginfo file. In these cases the program alias is generated with a random string. The RFC Gateway does not perform any additional security checks. File reginfo controls the registration of external programs in the gateway. Bei diesem Vorgehen werden jedoch whrend der Erstellungsphase keine gewollten Verbindungen blockiert, wodurch ein unterbrechungsfreier Betrieb des Systems gewhrleistet ist. Part 2: reginfo ACL in detail. If this client does not match the criteria in the CANCEL list, then it is not able to cancel a registered program. Which is described below defined by parameter gw/acl_info to Display the security level in! 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