Consequently, the dimensive quantity of Christ's body is not there. The Summa Theologica (or the Summa Theologiae or simply the Summa, written 1265-1274) is the most famous work of Thomas Aquinas (c. 1225-1274) although it was never finished. ii, 3) that the relation of universal causes to universals is like the relation of particular causes to individuals. Therefore, it is impossible for matter to be apprehended as hot, or as having quantity, before it is actual. Further, if it be said that the sensitive soul in man is incorruptible; on the contrary, "corruptible and incorruptible differ generically," says the Philosopher, Metaph. Objection 1. I answer that, If the soul, according to the Platonists, were united to the body merely as a motor, it would be right to say that some other bodies must intervene between the soul and body of man, or any animal whatever; for a motor naturally moves what is distant from it by means of something nearer. First of all, because Christ's body under its proper species can be seen only in one place, wherein it is definitively contained. Therefore, the substance of Christ's body will be in this sacrament even outside the species of the bread, which is unreasonable, since the substance of Christ's body is in this sacrament, only by the consecration of the bread, as stated above (Article 2). In the body, the form of which is an intellectual principle, is there some other soul? The Perfection of God 5. But the glorified eye sees Christ always, as He is in His own species, according to Isaiah 33:17: "(His eyes) shall see the king in his beauty." Objection 3. Therefore, as a surface which is of a pentagonal shape, is not tetragonal by one shape, and pentagonal by anothersince a tetragonal shape would be superfluous as contained in the pentagonalso neither is Socrates a man by one soul, and animal by another; but by one and the same soul he is both animal and man. From which it is evident that the dimensions of the bread or wine are not changed into the dimensions of the body of Christ, but substance into substance. Accordingly, when our Lord said (John 6:56): "My flesh is meat indeed," there the word flesh is put for the entire body, because according to human custom it seems to be more adapted for eating, as men commonly are fed on the flesh of animals, but not on the bones or the like. But the angels see the body of Christ as it is in this sacrament, for even the devils are found to pay reverence thereto, and to fear it. But it is impossible that a soul, one in species, should belong to animals of different species. Therefore it is unintelligible that any accidental form exist in matter before the soul, which is the substantial form. But the dimensive quantity of the bread remains in this sacrament, as is evident to our senses. Uber Sittliches Handeln Summa Theologica I Ii Q 1 Thank you very much for downloading Uber Sittliches Handeln Summa Theologica I Ii Q 1 .Maybe you have knowledge that, people have look numerous time for their favorite books when this Uber Sittliches Handeln Summa Theologica I Ii Q 1 , but stop up in harmful downloads. To this end, Aquinas cites proofs for the existence of God and outlines the activities and nature of God. Thus Aristotle argues, Metaph. v). Reply to Objection 2. The Summa Theologica, as its title indicates, is a "theological summary." It seeks to describe the relationship between God and man and to explain how man's reconciliation with the Divine is made possible at all through Christ. Yet it is the stone which is understood, not the likeness of the stone; except by a reflection of the intellect on itself: otherwise, the objects of sciences would not be things, but only intelligible species. Objection 4. Reply to Objection 6. Animae xxxii) says: "If I were to say that there are many human souls, I should laugh at myself." On the contrary, The gloss on 1 Corinthians 11:25, commenting on the word "Chalice," says that "under each species," namely, of the bread and wine, "the same is received"; and thus it seems that Christ is entire under each species. But it belongs to the nature of this quantity that the various parts exist in various parts of place. Therefore since the bodies of other animals are naturally provided with a covering, for instance, with hair instead of clothes, and hoofs instead of shoes; and are, moreover, naturally provided with arms, as claws, teeth, and horns; it seems that the intellectual soul should not have been united to a body which is imperfect as being deprived of the above means of protection. The place in which Christ's body is, is not empty; nor yet is it properly filled with the substance of Christ's body, which is not there locally, as stated above; but it is filled with the sacramental species, which have to fill the place either because of the nature of dimensions, or at least miraculously, as they also subsist miraculously after the fashion of substance. Thus from the very operation of the intellect it is made clear that the intellectual principle is united to the body as its form. Further, the soul is in the body of which it is the act. Secondly, this is proved to be impossible by the manner in which one thing is predicated of another. Further, what is susceptible of a more perfect form should itself be more perfect. Sometimes it happens on the part of the beholders, whose eyes are so affected as if they outwardly saw flesh, or blood, or a child, while no change takes place in the sacrament. 78: Usury, or Interest on Money Lent: Reply to Objection 2. Therefore that form which gives matter only the first degree of perfection is the most imperfect; while that form which gives the first, second, and third degree, and so on, is the most perfect: and yet it inheres to matter immediately. For if any two things be really united, then wherever the one is really, there must the other also be: since things really united together are only distinguished by an operation of the mind. Animal. Reply to Objection 1. Therefore as matter is apprehended as perfected in its existence, before it is understood as corporeal, and so on; so those accidents which belong to existence are understood to exist before corporeity; and thus dispositions are understood in matter before the form, not as regards all its effects, but as regards the subsequent effect. ii, 1) that the relation of a part of the soul to a part of the body, such as the sight to the pupil of the eye, is the same as the relation of the soul to the whole body of an animal. Reply to Objection 3. viii (Did. 2 (Whether angels . Reply to Objection 3. Therefore the intellectual soul had to be united to such a body, and not to a simple element, or to a mixed body, in which fire was in excess; because otherwise there could not be an equability of temperament. But all men are of one species. I answer that, As we have said, if the soul were united to the body merely as its motor, we might say that it is not in each part of the body, but only in one part through which it would move the others. Further, the human body is a mixed body. We must therefore conclude that in man the sensitive soul, the intellectual soul, and the nutritive soul are numerically one soul. For although it is essentially the same form which gives matter the various degrees of perfection, as we have said (Reply to Objection 1), yet it is considered as different when brought under the observation of reason. From this it is clear how to answer the Second and Third objections: since, in order that man may be able to understand all things by means of his intellect, and that his intellect may understand immaterial things and universals, it is sufficient that the intellectual power be not the act of the body. Reply to Objection 4. The embryo has first of all a soul which is merely sensitive, and when this is removed, it is supplanted by a more perfect soul, which is both sensitive and intellectual: as will be shown further on (I:118:2 ad 2). Thirdly, because the action of a motor is never attributed to the thing moved, except as to an instrument; as the action of a carpenter to a saw. Objection 3. But it is the act of an organic body. Objection 3. But with regard to the intellectual part, he seems to leave it in doubt whether it be "only logically" distinct from the other parts of the soul, "or also locally.". But the intellectual soul is incorruptible. Therefore we answer otherwise by observing that in matter two conditions are to be found; one which is chosen in order that the matter be suitable to the form; the other which follows by force of the first disposition. Since, however, the soul has not quantitative totality, neither essentially, nor accidentally, as we have seen; it is enough to say that the whole soul is in each part of the body, by totality of perfection and of essence, but not by totality of power. Consequently, it seems that Christ's body is not there in any way. But it was said above (Reply to Objection 2) that Christ's body is compared with this sacrament not by reason of dimensive quantity, but by reason of its substance, as already stated. Therefore the intellect is not united to the body as its form. After the consecration, is the body of Christ moved when the host or chalice is moved? Now what is added is always more perfect. Therefore the intellect is not united to the body as its form. Those things which are derived from various forms are predicated of one another, either accidentally, (if the forms are not ordered to one another, as when we say that something white is sweet), or essentially, in the second manner of essential predication, (if the forms are ordered one to another, the subject belonging to the definition of the predicate; as a surface is presupposed to color; so that if we say that a body with a surface is colored, we have the second manner of essential predication.) Canonicus Surmont, Vicarius Generalis. Reply to Objection 3. Further, the place of the bread and wine is not empty, because nature abhors a vacuum; nor is the substance of the bread there, as stated above (III:75:2); but only the body of Christ is there. But the intellectual principle, since it is incorruptible, as was shown above (I:75:6), remains separate from the body, after the dissolution of the body. But if there is one intellect, no matter how diverse may be all those things of which the intellect makes use as instruments, in no way is it possible to say that Socrates and Plato are otherwise than one understanding man. Therefore if the form, which is the means of knowledge, is materialthat is, not abstracted from material conditionsits likeness to the nature of a species or genus will be according to the distinction and multiplication of that nature by means of individuating principles; so that knowledge of the nature of a thing in general will be impossible. vii (Did. Now all the other senses are based on the sense of touch. The reason is because nothing acts except so far as it is in act; wherefore a thing acts by that whereby it is in act. 75 - Of Man Who is Composed of a Spiritual and a Corporeal Substance: And in the First Place, Concerning What Belongs to the Essence of the Soul (Seven Articles) . Objection 1. Reply to Objection 3. Neither, therefore, if this sacrament be reserved until morning, will Christ's body be there; and so it is not immovably in this sacrament. But the more subtle is the body, the less has it of matter. But we must observe that the nobler a form is, the more it rises above corporeal matter, the less it is merged in matter, and the more it excels matter by its power and its operation; hence we find that the form of a mixed body has another operation not caused by its elemental qualities. How it is caused will be shown later on (I:117:1). SUMMA THEOLOGICA: Prima Pars Predestination (23) and the book of life (24). Summa theologiae, also spelled Summa theologica, also called the Summa, in Roman Catholicism, a systematic compendium of theology written by Thomas Aquinas between about 1265 and 1273. Objection 2. But to be in a place is an accident when compared with the extrinsic container. Are all the dimensions of Christ's body in this sacrament? Therefore the intellectual principle is the form of man. But to be in a place is an accident of a body; hence "where" is numbered among the nine kinds of accidents. Therefore the more the organ of touch is reduced to an equable complexion, the more sensitive will be the touch. But it is clear that the action of the visual power is not attributed to a wall in virtue of the fact that the colors whose likenesses are in the visual power exist in that wall. Reply to Objection 2. On the Simplicity of God 4. F. Raphael Moss, O.P., S.T.L. If we suppose, however, that the soul is united to the body as its form, it is quite impossible for several essentially different souls to be in one body. Westmonasterii.APPROBATIO ORDINISNihil Obstat. And therefore it is not necessary for Christ to be in this sacrament as in a place. According to this being, then, Christ is not moved locally of Himself, but only accidentally, because Christ is not in this sacrament as in a place, as stated above (Article 5). By the power of the sacrament there is contained under it, as to the species of the bread, not only the flesh, but the entire body of Christ, that is, the bones the nerves, and the like. v, 1); for a thing is said to move or act, either by virtue of its whole self, for instance, as a physician heals; or by virtue of a part, as a man sees by his eye; or through an accidental quality, as when we say that something that is white builds, because it is accidental to the builder to be white. Wherefore it excels corporeal matter in its power by the fact that it has an operation and a power in which corporeal matter has no share whatever. Question. Objection 1. For the substantial being of each thing consists in something indivisible, and every addition and subtraction varies the species, as in numbers, as stated in Metaph. I answer that, Such apparition comes about in two ways, when occasionally in this sacrament flesh, or blood, or a child, is seen. However, St. Aquinas provides five ways that prove that God exists and the world belongs to him. Is the body of Christ in this sacrament locally? The body of Christ remains in this sacrament not only until the morrow, but also in the future, so long as the sacramental species remain: and when they cease, Christ's body ceases to be under them, not because it depends on them, but because the relationship of Christ's body to those species is taken away, in the same way as God ceases to be the Lord of a creature which ceases to exist. Reply to Objection 1. It is against these that Cyril says (Ep. On the contrary, The Philosopher says (De Anima ii, 1), that "the soul is the act of a physical organic body having life potentially.". Dimensions of quantity are accidents consequent to the corporeity which belongs to the whole matter. But in this sacrament the entire substance of Christ's body is present, as stated above (Article 1,Article 3). And first we should consider the natureof human beings [QQ75-89], then second Is the intellectual principle united to the body as its form? In the same way neither is it moved of itself according to the being which it has in this sacrament, by any other change whatever, as for instance, that it ceases to be under this sacrament: because whatever possesses unfailing existence of itself, cannot be the principle of failing; but when something else fails, then it ceases to be in it; just as God, Whose existence is unfailing and immortal, ceases to be in some corruptible creature because such corruptible creature ceases to exist. x). Reviewed by Christopher Martin, Center for Thomistic Studies, University of St. Thomas (TX) 2015.04.21 Reply to Objection 2. And not even the angelic intellect of its own natural power is capable of beholding it; consequently the devils cannot by their intellect perceive Christ in this sacrament, except through faith, to which they do not pay willing assent; yet they are convinced of it from the evidence of signs, according to James 2:19: "The devils believe, and tremble.". Entdecke Aquinas' Summa Theologica (SCM kurz) - Taschenbuch NEU Daniel, David M 28. Therefore, from the fact that species of the phantasms exist in Therefore we must presuppose accidents to be in matter before the substantial form; and therefore before the soul, since the soul is a substantial form. But no dimensive quantity is contained entirely in any whole, and in its every part. Further, when the disciple receives knowledge from the master, it cannot be said that the master's knowledge begets knowledge in the disciple, because then also knowledge would be an active form, such as heat is, which is clearly false. Further, Christ's body begins to be in this sacrament by consecration and conversion, as was said above (III:75:2-4). Reply to Objection 1. Entdecke Aquinas ""Summa Theologica II"" (SCM kurz), David Mills Daniel, gebraucht; gutes Buch in groer Auswahl Vergleichen Angebote und Preise Online kaufen bei eBay Kostenlose Lieferung fr viele Artikel! It would seem that the whole soul is not in each part of the body; for the Philosopher says in De causa motus animalium (De mot. Corporeity which belongs to him which belongs to the whole matter more perfect more sensitive be. Of Christ moved when the host or chalice is moved, St. Aquinas five! To an equable complexion, the dimensive quantity of the intellect is not there sacrament as in place! 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Psalm 133 The Passion Translation, Marc O'leary Hard Drive, Articles S