(e) Epitoic is a small bone wedged in between the supra- and exoccipitals and pterotic, and produced into a short epiotic process. To the ventro-lateral region of the vertebra are attached by ligament a pair of long, slender pleural ribs with dilated heads. Dorsal fin is a fin located at the back of Labeo (C). On the nutrition of the Indian major carp fry. Labeo Rohita In Mustard Sauce, And Stir-Fried Greens On The Side Of all the things I anticipated eating by being a Bengali is fish. It is thick in mid region. It does not matter whether you eat sea fish or river fish, the benefits of eating this type of seafood are immense. The rohu, rui, or roho labeo (Labeo rohita) is a species of fish of the carp family, found in rivers in South Asia. Soft rays are segmented, often branched and biserial. Labeo calbasu Day, 1878. Mrigal Cirrhinus cirrhosus is known as mirka, one of the common members of major carps in Bangladesh found in the rivers, canals and floodplains. The Animal Diversity Web (online). They serve as a sieve to prevent the escape of food through the gill-slits and to protect the gill filaments. Spines in the fins of Labeo are unsegmented, uniserial structures. Labeo rohita, commonly called the Rohu fish, is one of the typical fresh-water bony fish­es of India. Labeo is a freshwater bony fish found in lakes, ponds, and rivers. The Fecundity of the Rohu, Labeo rohita (Hamilton) 219 that the relationship was statistically significant (t = 22.510 > 1.96 at 5 ~o). The hindmost centra have their axes deflected upwards and the last centrum is rod-like structure, the urostyle. Before publishing your Notes on this site, please read the following pages: 1. The diagram of Labeo rohita is given below. Murthy HS, 2002. Frontals articulate antero-laterally with the supraorbitals and postero-laterally with the postfrontals. J. Externally to these is a very large investing bone, the cleithrum, extending downwards under the throat. Drawing Page 01: Labelled diagram of External Feature of Labeo rohita. The pelvic bone has an anterior elongated part which is deeply forked at the tip, and a posterior rod-like cartilaginous part. It has every high food value and commercial importance. It is a highly preferred carp and fetches high market price. Which of the following monkey has prehensile tail? Mitra GN, Das I, 1965. 22 Citations (Scopus) Abstract. Anterior boundary of each orbit is formed by ectoethmoid, posterior boundary is formed by the sphenotic, dorsal boundary is made by frontal and ventral boundary is formed by alisphenoid and orbitosphenoid. Choose the correct pair from the following. Embedded in this ligament is a small bone with a backwardly directed spinous process, which is called interclarium. Basisphenoids are absent. Moreover, there are several radial lines, starting from focus and extending up to the periphery, called radii. Choose the correct answer. It forms the posterior most part of the skull. The outgrowths corresponding to the parapophyses are fused with the centrum and unite in the middle ventral line, forming a haemal arch. Biology. Though digestive enzyme activity has been estimated in the gastrointestinal tract of Indian major carps [8-12], there is no literature on their activities in different size groups and segments of the digestive tract. According to Boyle's law, the product of pressure and volume is a constant. Chromosomal and karyotypic studies are required for genetic improvement of any organisms. Identify the parts labelled as A,B,C,D and E - 13683255 The skull is divided into cranium enclosing the brain with paired olfactory, optic and auditory capsules for the respective sense organs and the visceral or branchial arches. This Indo-Gangetic riverine sps. ADW doesn't cover all species in the world, nor does it include all … Chordata, Osteichthyes, Rohu Fish, Skeleton of Rohu Fish, Vertebrates, Zoology. Pre- and postzygapophyses are also present as in trunk vertebrae. Sharma and Sharma (1998) also reported G-bands in … They are more numerous than the centra, and three or four haemal arches are attached to the urostyle. First three branchial arches are composed of pharyngobranchial above, then epibranchial, then a large ceratobranchial, and a small hypobranchial below. Our mission is to provide an online platform to help students to discuss anything and everything about Zoology. It is highly liked for its taste and flavor. & Jhingran, A.G. 1991. The remaining five arches are called branchial or gill-arches, diminishing in size from before backwards. Rate of growth in the first years of life of Labeo rohita and Catla catla in the different districts of Orissa. It is divided into an axial skeleton which includes the skull, vertebral column and ribs, and appendicular skeleton that includes the girdles and supporting elements of fins. The subopercular lies below and internal to the opercular. The vertebral column is differentiated into distinct bony vertebrae. (iii) A mesocoracoid situated above the coracoid and anterior to the scapula. The low neural arches arise from the latero-dorsal surface of the centrum and fuse in the middle to form a long, slender neural spine directed upwards and backwards. Five small orbital bones form the orbital ring. The nasals articulate with the postero­lateral sides of the mesethmoid and form the roof of the olfactory capsules. Rohu (Labeo rohita) is the most important among the three Indian major carp species used in carp polyculture systems. Match the following columns and select the correct option. is the natural inhabitant of the re-verine system of Northern and Central India. Genus-Labeo. The epihyal and ceratohyal are provided with three sabre-shaped branchiostegal rays. A vertical plate or inter-orbital septum separates the two cavities from one another. Fish., 3(2):299-310 . Hyomandibular articulates with the auditory capsule and on the other side with the symplectic. Fish - Fish - The digestive system: The digestive system, in a functional sense, starts at the mouth, with the teeth used to capture prey or collect plant foods. A control group of fish was fed with diets containing antibiotics to destroy the digestive tract microflora which may induce digestive functions. 2020. (b) Parietal region is formed of parietals on the dorsal side, alisphenoids form its lateral sides, and parasphenoid on the postero-ventral side. Therefore, a curve was fitted to the scatter diagram using the formula deve- loped, which represents the calculated values of ovary weights at different lengths of L. rohita. Indian J. (B) Synteny conservation between rohu and zebrafish using Symap. The tail is homocercal. In fishes, it forms the part of the skull. A total of 1671 ESTs of Labeo rohita were retrieved from dbEST database and analysed for functional annotation using various computational approaches. The neural spine of the first vertebra is formed of two small pieces called claustrum and scaphium. The result indicated 1387 non-redundant (184 contigs and 1203 singletons) putative transcripts with an average length of 542 bp. 7 Diseases Infection with Aphanomyces invadans is an OIE-reportable disease. The sabre-shaped branchiostegal rays are attached along the posterior border of the epi- and ceratohyal. The operculum is formed of four investing bones; opercular, preopercular, subopercular and interopercular. ), Proceedings of the workshop on carp seed production technology, pp. Comparative genomics of rohu (A) Venn diagram showing orthologous gene clusters among four diploid cyprinids, Labeo rohita, Anabarilius grahami, Ctenopharyngodon idellus, and Danio rerio. Common name: Kalbasu, Black rohu. To cite this page: Myers, P., R. Espinosa, C. S. Parr, T. Jones, G. S. Hammond, and T. A. Dewey. Somactidia are parallel bony rods found embedded within the body muscles. In the adult notochordal canal becomes closed. Lakra and Krishna (1994) reported G-banded karyotypes in Indian major carps. Which of the following cell type is capable of giving rise to other cell types in sponges ? Two short threads like structures, the barbels, are present. This graceful Indo-Gangetic riverine species is the natural inhabitant of the riverine system of northern and central India, and the rivers of Pakistan, Bangladesh and Myanmar. The diagram of labeo rohita is given below. The visceral arches are loosely attached with the skull. The skeleton of median fins (dorsal and anal) consists of a series of: (ii) The dermotrichia or dermal fin rays. It is divisible into an anterior or trunk region and a posterior caudal region. External to them are two large investing bones, the premaxilla and the maxilla, which together form the actual or secondary upper jaw. The opercular is a large, flat bone with a condyle which articulates with the hyomandibular. Through this run the caudal artery and vein. This fish serves as a popular delicious dish. Around focus there are concentric rows of ridges called circulii which are used to count the age of fishes. G-bands were also observed in Indian fishes, such as Channa punctatus, Colisa fascieatus, Mystus tengara, Puntius sophore and Labeo rohita. The process of growth is maximum during : Plasma is red and nucleated, colourless RBC, Adult with radial symmetry and larva with bilateral symmetry. At the free edges of fins are also present unbranched horny actinotrichia. The rostral fits into a notch in the mesethmoid. In which of the following situations, is there a risk factor for children of incurring Erythroblastosis foetalis? Mass production of intergeneric hybrid catla (Catla catla x Labeo rohita) and its growth in ponds, small and large reservoirs of Madhya Pradesh. In the rest the arch is produced downwards and backwards into a haemal spine. Which of the following is respiratory organ of scorpion ? “Rohu (Labeo rohita) is the most important among the three Indian major carp species used in carp polyculture systems.” According to Casal (2006), 795,128 metric tons of Labeo rohita were produced in aquaculture in 2000. Which of the following is not an attribute of a population ? (i) The first or mandibular arch forms the jaws. Mouth shape and tooth structure vary greatly in fishes, depending on the kind of food normally eaten. The lacrymals are attached with the antero-lateral borders of mesethmoid on the antero-dorsal surface of the skull. Indian major carp, Labeo rohita (Hamilton-Buchanan, 1822), commonly known as ‘rohu’ belongs to the family Cyprinidae is available in lakes, ponds, rivers and other water bodies of India and adjacent countries . Research output: Contribution to journal › Article. Labeo Rohita (Rohu): It is found in clear and sluggish rivers and streams. All these bones bear no teeth. The pectoral fin is supported by nineteen lepidotrichia which are attached with four somactidia (radials). Dermotrichia support the fold of the fin. In this way a firm vertical plate of bone is formed, to the edge of which the caudal fin rays are attached fanwise in a symmetrical manner. The neural and haemal spines of the last five vertebrae are very broad and closely connected with one another. Both these bones bear many teeth. In which of the following techniques, the embryos are transferred to assist those females who cannot conceive ? (ii) The second or hyoid arch forms the suspensorium and hyoid cornu. Metapterygoid projecting upwards from the quadrate, but between quadrate and the palatine are two investing bones, the ectopterygoid on the ventral, and the entopterygoid on the dorsal edge of the original cartilaginous bar. External Structures of Rohu: The Rohu fish has a spindle-shaped body measuring up to 1 m in length and weighing about 20-25. kg. In this article we will discuss about the skeleton of rohu fish (Labeo rohita) with the help of suitable diagrams. Itis col worms cloffa actinopterygii ray finned fishes cypriniformes carps cyprinidae minnows or carps labeoninae etymology. Identify the wrong statement with reference to the gene T that controls ABO blood groups. However, instead of remaining cartilaginous, it is ossified by three replacing bones. In the embryonic stage the concavities are communicated by a narrow notochordal canal perforating the centrum. In the fourth arch hypobranchial is absent. Family- Cyprinidae. The right and left hypobranchials of each arch are connected by an unpaired median basibranchial. Local name: Kalibaus, Baus, Kalia. In the occipital region are four bones. Each half of pectoral girdle (Fig. Sarower-E-Mahfuj M, Hossain MB, Rahman MM, Hoshan MI. They are found in freshwater habitats in the tropics and subtropics of Africa and Asia. Suspensorium is formed of two bones, the hyomandibular and symplectic. On the role of zooplankton in the nutrition of carps fry. Rohu fish belongs to the family of “Cyprinidae” and genus of “Labeo”. A more sensitive apparatus exists in the carps {e.g., Labeo) and siluroids (order Ostariophysi), in which a chain of bones connects the swim-bladder with the internal ear on either side, forming the Weberian apparatus. Basioccipital is a long, tubular bone. The lower jaw is formed of dentaries, angulars and articulars, Articular is formed by the ossification of Meckel’s cartilage and articulates with the quadrate of the upper jaw. In fast swimming fishes, propulsion is due to. On the anterior and posterior faces of neural arches are present pre- and postzygapophyses, by which adjacent vertebrae articulate. NCERT P Bahadur IIT-JEE Previous Year Narendra Awasthi MS Chauhan. Like pectoral girdle, it is also formed of two similar halves. In front of auditory region the cranium is excavated on each side by a large orbit. (a) Anterior pro-otic which unites with its fellow of the opposite side in the floor of the brain case, just in front of the basioccipital; (b) Opisthotic in the posterior part of the capsule, external to the exoccipital; (c) Sphenotic above the pro-otic and forming part of the boundary of the orbit; (d) Pterotic above the exoccipital and opisthotic, forming a distinct lateral ridge and produced behind into a prominent pterotic process; and. The first four trunk vertebrae have no parapophyses. 24.1 and 24.2a-c). The endoskeleton of Labeo is completely ossified and forms the framework of the body. Camouflage of Chameleon is associated with, The endocrine gland of insects, which secretes the juvenile hormone, is. 15.2) is an extremely complex structure, composed of many investing membrane or dermal bones and cartilage bones. The caudal vertebrae are 16 – 17 in number. Each half is formed of large, flat bone, the pelvic bone (basipterygium), lying in the middle line in the ventral body wall. Assign the stamens to their respective plants. The interopercular pits between the lower portions of the three preceding bones, and is attached by ligament to the angle of the mandible. The first four trunk vertebrae are greatly changed since these vertebrae connect the swim- bladder with the internal ear. lase, amylase, maltase, invertase, protease and lipase in the digestive tracts of Labeo rohita fingerlings. There are 12 species of Labeo and among those, only Labeo boggut are not available in Bangladesh (Shaw and Shebbeare ,1937). The centra of second and third vertebrae are completely fused to form a large centrum that carries a flattened triangular plate, the tripus. The radials articulate with the scapula. Which of the following animals has a tetramorphic colony ? Rohita Valenciennes, 1842; Rohitichthys Bleeker, 1860; Tambra Bleeker, 1860; Labeo is a genus of carps in the family Cyprinidae. In the last 3 or 4 trunk vertebrae the parapophyses are fused. Figure 1. These are the gill-rakers. India is by far the largest producer of rohu, followed by Bangladesh and Myanmar. 16-18; P 2. The ectoethmoids also take part in the formation of olfactory capsules. The adults are chiefly herbivorous in diet. Caudal fin is supported by a number of flattened bony rods. Labeo rohita. The posterior end of the caudal region is enormously modified for the support of the tail fm. 49-52. Frontals articulate anteriorly with the median mesethmoid and laterally and mesially with the nasals and ectoethmoids. Disclaimer Copyright, Zoology Notes | Exclusive Notes on Zoology for Students, Urinogenital System of Rohu Fish (Labeo rohita): With Diagram | Zoology, External Morphology of Rohu Fish (With Diagram) | Chordata | Zoology, Blood Vascular System of Rohu Fish (With Diagram) | Chordata | Zoology, Respiratory System of Rohu Fish (With Diagram) | Chordata | Zoology, Dogfish: Origin and Habitat | Chordata | Zoology. All these segments are ossified by replacing bones. Learn Biology by Suraiya AkterAssistant Teacher - BSISC#####Enjoy and stay connected with us ! The anterior forked end is connected with the rib of the twelfth trunk vertebra by ligaments. Each exoccipital is distinguished into a basal plate, a lateral paroccipital process and a dorsal process. The quadrate at the posterior end of the entopterygoid furnishes a condyle for the articulation of the lower jaw. The figure of Labeo rohita is given below. To the inner surface of the cleithrum are attached two flat scale-like bones with a slender rod-like postclavicle passing backwards and downwards among the muscles. The roots that originate from the base of the stem are: The infectious stage of Plasmodium that enters the human body i s, identify the substances having glycosidic bond and peptide bond, respectively in their structure. ADVERTISEMENTS: 4. In the caudal vertebrae the centrum is amphicoelous. Saikat Biswas, Arun G. Jadhao, Claudia Pinelli, Nikhil V. Palande, Kazuyoshi Tsutsui. Identify the parts a,b,c,d,e,g and g in the diagram of Labeo rohita Books. Fin formula: D. 17-18 (3/14-15); P 1. KCET 2010: The diagram of Labeo rohita is given below. Identify the parts labelled A, B, C, D, E, F, G. (A) A = Nostril, B = eye, C = Anal fin, D = Ca In the first six caudals each haemal arch bears a pair of ribs. Hyoid cornu is composed of paired interhyal, epihyal, ceratohyal, hypohyal and a median unpaired basihyal. Privacy Policy3. Thus, there are four bones in the Weberian apparatus, viz., claustrum, scaphium, interclarium and tripus. Fish., 12A(1):1-24. | Comparative genomics of rohu (A) Venn diagram showing orthologous gene clusters among four diploid cyprinids, Labeo rohita, Anabarilius grahami, Ctenopharyngodon idellus, and … Are not available in Bangladesh ( Shaw and Shebbeare,1937 ) distinct bony vertebrae vertebrae articulate,... ( Shaw and Shebbeare,1937 ) wrong statement with reference to the urostyle number of flattened rods., Claudia Pinelli, Nikhil V. Palande, Kazuyoshi Tsutsui camouflage of Chameleon is associated with, the,... Condyle which articulates with the upper jaw of the three Indian major carp, Labeo rohita match the is... A centrum with deeply concave anterior and posterior faces the radials articulate with internal... Like you and extensively used in carp polyculture systems, articles and other allied information by... 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Neural spine carries a flattened triangular plate labeo rohita diagram the barbels, are present nine hypiurals site, please the...